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编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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1. doctor, i think i have the flu/cold.
2. do you have a cough/sore throat/fever ,too?
3. it's quite/very/extremely serious.
4. i think you need a shot/injection.
5. is it going to hurt/rain?
6. also take this pills three times a day after meals.
tom goes to hongkong once a week.
this magazine is published four time a month.

1. peter isn't at work, because he has the flu.
2. the noise is giving me a headache.
3. tom always makes noise when he eat soup.
4. can i have a look your new wathch.
5. it's quite dangerous to drive when it's snowing.
6. if you get a shot, you will get well very quickly.
7. i am worried about my father's heath.
8. it's done. i can stop work and go home now.

A: doctor, is it ok if i don't get a shot?
B: why? what are you worried about?
A: i think it will hurt.
B: it will soon be over.
A: but can't i just take some pills?
B: it will take quite a long time to get well.
A: it's all right.
B: here, take this pills three times a day after meals.
A: thanks ,doctor.

Lesson 27 at the zoo
Dialog A
A: can i take a picture with the lion, dad?
B: sure , but don't go to near the cage.
A: i will stand behind the railing.
B: ok. are you ready? say cheese
A: cheese.
B: that's a good one.
A: lions are beautiful, aren't they?
B: they sure are . after all, the lion is king of beasts.

Dialog B
A: wow, look at that elephant. it's gigantic.
B: it sure is.
A:can i feed it?
B: no, there is a no feeding sign over there.
A: poor elephant.
B: there aren't many elephants left in the world, are there?
A: pepole kill them for their tusks. now, they are in dangerous species.
B: man some times behaves worse than animals.

1. zoo
2. picture
3. lion
4. near
5. cage
6. stand
7. behind
8. railing
9. ready
10. cheese
11. after all

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fever ['fi:və]


n. 发烧,发热,狂热
v. (使)发烧,(使

injection [in'dʒekʃən]


n. 注射,注射物,数学函数

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

species ['spi:ʃiz]


n. (单复同)物种,种类





