Facebook investors eye mobile earnings
Analyst Colin Sebastian scrutinizes Facebook's earnings report and the potential for mobile advertising.
Facebook第二季度的移动广告收入是6.556亿美元,占第二季度全部广告收入16亿美元的41%。 扎克伯格表示,信息流中的广告以及APP推广广告取得了成功,正在考虑扩大视频广告。截至6月30日,Facebook拥有11.5亿每月活跃用户,同比增长21%。每月活跃移动用户的数量为8.19亿,增长了51%。
The big problem for Facebook was mobile,fixig its mobile problem,seems like they've done that but what we heard from Google is that mobile advertising is a lot less lucrative,what do you think?
Well,it's clear that mobile is the single largest growth driver online today.And Facebook's mobile applications are very good fit for smart phones,for tablets,so from users experience facebook is in a very positive situation with regards to mobile.But actually shifting advertising dollars to mobile takes a lot bit more time and that's the challenge Facebook,Google and other platforms have right now.
Yeah,that's right.I guess everyone will sort of fix on that all pricing model when it's about banners.This is a sort of different universe.Is Facebook in a better position in terms of mobile advertising?Is that how they make money?Is it in a better position than Google is?
I wouldn't say they are on a better position.I think,google,you know, in its unique position,giving the core search engine and data from everyon's searches.Facebook has significant treasure triva of personal data about people as well.So in a different way,through its mobile apps,Facebook can serve very relevant ask to people when they are on the go and so I think each platform individually has enormous potential on mobile.
Colin,what do want to hear from Zac and the executives today,we know that they are going to give their earnings report,could you tell me what do you expect if you are on the higher and lower,but what do you want to hear from them in particular about some of this sort of development of some products?What can be key for investors?
Well,investors certainly focus on high level user metrics,so continuing growth in the overall registered users,monthly user volumes,a lot of it obviously coming from emerging markets,increase in engagement,so a high number of daily users as well.But also on the products side,newsfeed revenue,that's their recent innovation in the ad formats.And of course for mobile,seeing that mobile continues to be a large portion of revenues and this helps driving comensal growth which has been certainly one of the bright spots over the past two quarters.