哈莉特·塔布曼Harriet Tubman
Jess A. Compelling illustration that imagination is essential to society's advancement it demonstrated by the Underground Railroad. Harriet Tubman, a former slave, guided three hundred slaves to freedom using a network of people and resources coordinated in secrecy. As a "conductor", she risked her life while completing nineteen trips to the South during the end of the 18th century. In order to avoid danger, Tubman suggested that the slaves travel during the night. Imagination was pivotal to the process of freeing the slaves. Tubman used her master's horse and buggy after nightfall, and started the journey on a Saturday night because the paper would not be printed until Monday mornings, so news of the slave s disappearance could not be reported. Without Tubman's creative escape techniques, they would not have completed the journey unscathed.
点评:这个段落的描写十分生动,你能感觉到自己似乎与哈莉特一起在黄昏中的马车上。 加油,Jess,你把历史写得像小说一样精彩!