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高考英语听力每日一练 第239期

来源:可可英语 编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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A man, who had drunk too much wine at a party and then was driving home, was stopped by the policemen. On being tested, the man couldn't walk a straight line, not to mention driving a car. So the police wrote out a ticket and was about to give it to him when another accident in the opposite lane got their attention.
Considering that the police weren't coming back to him, the man drove home and went to bed. He was awakened in the morning by a knock at the door, and in came three policemen.
"Are you Mr. Johnson?" they asked. He admitted he was.
"Were you pulled over at Main Street last night for driving under the influence?" Again, the man admitted that was him.
"Where is your car now?" the police asked. The man answered that it was in the garage.
"May we see the car?" asked the police. The man answered, "Sure." and opened the garage. Inside the garage was the police's car.

(1) 正确答案为A。根据A man, who had drunk too much wine at a party and then was driving home, was stopped by the policemen. 一个男人在一个聚会上喝了很多的葡萄酒,他开车回家的时候被警察拦了下来。可知,男子被警察拦下来是因为酒后驾驶,因此A项正确。
(2) 正确答案为B。根据Considering that the police weren't coming back to him, the man drove home and went to bed. 他认为警察不会再回来找他,于是他就开着车回家,上床睡觉了。可知,他是在警察不在的时候把车开回家的,因此B项正确。
(3) 正确答案为B。根据and in came three policemen. 进来了三个警察。可知,第二天有三个警察来到了男子的家,因此B项正确。
(4) 正确答案为C。根据Inside the garage was the police's car. 车库里的是一辆警车。可知,警察问他车在哪里是因为他把警车开回了家,因此C项正确。

内容来自:可可英语 //

文章关键字: 高考 英语听力 每日一练





