1. 【语义表述】把某人完全安顿好了。
【句型模板】Sb is settled all right.
【句型操练】The foreigners from America are settle all right.
【句型出处】Are they settled in all right?
2. 【语义表述】某人把某人带在身边。
【句型模板】Sb has sb.
【句型操练】The general manage did not have his secretary this time.
【句型出处】Why doesn't the gorgeous Turk have his own chap?
3. 【语义表述】某人不会说某种语言。
【句型模板】Sb. speaks no+语言种类。
【句型操练】I can speak English, but I speak no German.
【句型出处】Apparently his man speaks no English,so Mr. Pamuk decided to leave him in London.
4. 【语义表述】看到某人又不对劲的时候,关心地询问对方原因。
【口语短句】Is anything wrong?
【短句出处】——Bates, is anything wrong? ——Nothing at all, My Lord.
5. 【语义表述】回答对方一切都很好,强调没有什么事情发生。
【口语短句】Nothing at all.
【短句出处】——Bates, is anything wrong? ——Nothing at all, My Lord.