Matches made in heaven—and hell
What do you get if you cross a waffle with a doughnut? It's no joke
NOT all marriages are happy, but Alex Hernandez thinks that the union of a waffle and a doughnut will be. The owner of Waffles Cafe in Chicago starting selling what he calls “wonuts” in April. They are deep-fried waffles, topped with icing and multicoloured sprinkles. Daily sales went from 24 to 600 within two days. Buzzfeed, a website, called the new snack “proof that a benevolent Food God exists”.
Hybrid dishes are fashionable. The wonut follows the cronut, a croissant-donut combination that was invented in New York last year and is now being fried and munched in Taiwan, South Korea, Brazil, Britain—and even France, where you'd think diners would be fussier.

Many countries indulge in culinary mixing, but Americans, who love both novelty and food, are especially keen on it. Burger King's Croissan'Wich is a croissant-sandwich mix. Taco Bell's quesarito is a beef burrito wrapped in a quesadilla. J&D's Foods produces Baconnaise, bacon-flavoured mayonnaise that is, oddly, vegetarian and kosher-certified. Carl's Jr is testing a bisnut, a cross between a biscuit (in the American sense of the word) and a doughnut. Not everyone is impressed. “Leave it to fast food to think of new and exciting ways to make you have to buy two seats on an airplane. A breakfast-dessert hybrid. You're barely awake and you're already getting all your calories for the day,” grumbles Jeff Sorensen of Uproxx, an online magazine.
许多国家都喜欢混合烹饪,而美国人这种既喜欢新奇又喜欢食物的人对此尤其钟爱。汉堡王的Croissan'Wich是羊角面包和三明治的混合。塔可钟的quesarito是外面裹有油炸玉米粉饼的牛肉卷饼。J&D的食品产业生产Baconnaise——培根风味的蛋黄酱,但有趣的是,犹太教和素食主义者都适用。卡乐星正在测试一款bisnut—小饼干和甜甜圈的组合。并不是每个人都会被打动。“在快餐上使用这个点子,想出新的有趣的方法来让你不得不在一架飞机上买两个位子。早餐混合甜点,你还在打着瞌睡,就已经摄入了一天所需的卡路里,” 一家在线杂志Uproxx的杰夫·索伦森抱怨说。
Such innovation has a long history. Blacks who migrated north after the Civil War served African-spiced fried chicken with European waffles. In the 1910s, Americans drenched German frankfurters with Mexican chili to make chili dogs. More recently, New Yorkers drew on the collective genius of generations of Jewish and Italian cooks to produce: the pizza bagel.
Because America is a nation of immigrants, it has many traditions to mine. But because many cooks try to please everyone, ethnic recipes have often been tweaked so as not to offend unfamiliar palates. “You take something that's different, and you make it similar,” says Roger Horowitz of the Hagley Museum and Library in Wilmington, Delaware. That has often involved adding sugar and fat, which everyone likes. The wonut illustrates another grand old American tradition, too: the layering of mountains of different types of food in a single dish, which goes back at least to the invention of the ice-cream sundae 120 years ago.
Good ideas spread fast, so hybrid hits are soon copied. Crumbs Bake Shop, an ailing and pricey New York-based chain of cupcake shops, was one of several to introduce variations of the cronut. Alas its “crumbnut” failed to save the business, and Crumbs closed its doors on July 7th. As for Mr Hernandez, he is looking to open wonut shops in Chicago, Los Angeles and Phoenix. But he knows that the wonut will not be novel for long, so he is already working on his next creation: a waffle pizza, which perhaps he should call the “piffle”.
好点子传播的很快,因此混合食品的创意很快就有人山寨了。Crumbs Bake Shop是一家总部在纽约的杯形蛋糕连锁店,价格昂贵而且正面临着困难。它是引入多品种牛角甜甜圈的几家店之一,但可悲的是它的crumbnut未能挽回日渐下滑的生意,并于7月7日关门了。对于赫尔南德斯来说,他准备在芝加哥、洛杉矶和凤凰城开wonut商店。但是他知道wonut不会新奇很长时间,因此他正在致力于下一个创新:华夫饼披萨,他可能会把这种食品叫做“priffle”。