Stars in their eyes
As the Rosetta mission shows, Britain is getting it right in space
IN A clean room at the Airbus Defence & Space (ADS) factory north of London, scientists are working on LISAPathfinder (pictured), a hexagon-shaped satellite due to be launched next year. The aim of the ambitious space mission is to try, for the first time, to find and measure gravitational waves—ripples in space-time predicted by Einstein's general theory of relativity. If that's possible, earthlings would have further evidence that the theory is true, and they should also, eventually, be able to locate black holes more accurately.

To do all that, however, LISA first has to get to a “Lagrange point”, a place where spacecraft can float stably while getting no farther from the earth. This is essential for detecting the gravitational waves. The only force that could then ruffle LISA would be solar wind, explains Justin Byrne, a deputy director of ADS. Solar wind is so light, however, that developing thrusters soft and accurate enough to counteract it has been “the trickiest bit of all”. It would take 1,000 of the thrusters developed for LISA to lift a single piece of paper; LISA has just four.
然而,要想完成所有的任务,丽萨首先就必须到达“拉格朗日点”,只有到达了拉格朗日点,宇宙飞船才可以在不远离地球的情况下平稳漂浮。这是探测引力波的必要条件。据ADS的副主任贾斯汀·伯恩(Justin Byrne)解释称,唯一会干扰丽萨的力量就是太阳风。不过太阳风的质量很轻因此只要将推进器设计得足够轻巧和精准就可以与太阳风的力量相抗衡,但这恰恰是“最棘手的问题”。丽萨需要配备1000台这样的推动器才能吹起一张纸;而现在丽萨仅有四台。
This is the kind of technological achievement that has made Britain a leader in satellite design and construction. This week ADS was celebrating the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The probe, Philae, that landed on the comet, was assembled largely in Germany. But Rosetta itself was, for the most part, constructed in the same clean room where LISA is being built; Mr Byrne himself was one of the designers of Rosetta when the mission was first conceived about 20 years ago. Altogether ten British companies were involved in the Rosetta mission, making up 20% of the contractors used among 14 European countries. Some of the fancy kit on Philae was British, such as the miniature laboratory built at the Rutherford Appleton laboratory near Oxford to a design from the Open University.
This outsized contribution to the Rosetta mission is now typical of Britain's place in the firmament of satellite construction. About one-quarter of the world's commercial communication satellites are built in Britain and 40% of the world's small satellites. Most of those are built by Airbus's Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL), the world leader in the field. It has launched 43 satellites since it was started by an academic at Surrey University, Sir Martin Sweeting. The whole space sector directly employs 35,000 people, and the supply-chain accounts for thousands more jobs. London-based Inmarsat is one of the world's largest satellite operators, specialising in mobile telephony. The space sector has a turnover of about £11 billion a year.
Things have not always been so rosy. The ADS plant in Stevenage has itself been a graveyard for Britain's ambitions in air and space. Originally owned by De Havilland, an aircraft company, it was here during the 1950s that parts for the Comet, the world's first passenger jet, were made. The Blue Streak missile was also built here. Several fatal crashes, however, ended production of the Comet and, with it, Britain's lead in commercial airliners. Blue Streak was cancelled due to spiralling costs, effectively ending the country's interest in launching rockets.
Silver lining
These were disasters at the time, but in retrospect also rather fortuitous. Britain's space industry was consequently forced to look at small-scale projects and to survive on tight budgets, unlike America's. It also made the British more commercially minded in financing the industry.
The satellite maker SSTL, for example, argues one of its directors, Andrew Bradford, is largely about “changing the economics of space”. It has virtually invented the niche market for less expensive, smaller satellites, selling a lot to developing countries. And it works on science missions like Rosetta. Mr Byrne also argues that ADS has been successful partly because it has a good commercial business, making big satellites for customers like BSkyB, a broadcaster. The innovative technology developed for the government-funded science projects like Rosetta is transferable to business, maximising the return on the intellectual investment. For now, it looks like a stellar formula.
例如,安德鲁·布鲁德福(Andrew Bradford)主任认为,卫星制造商SSTL就致力于“改变航空业的经济状况”。事实上SSTL也的确开拓出了针对价格相对低廉的小型卫星的缝隙市场,并成功向发展中国家大量出售。此举在如罗塞塔号之类的科研任务中也有成效。伯恩认为ADS获得成功主要归因于其优质的商业业务,如为英国天空广播公司(BSkyB)这类的客户生产大型人造卫星。这类由政府资助的科研项目如罗塞塔号产生的创新技术可以商业化,并将智力投资的回报最大化。到目前为止,这看上去是一个不错的营运公式。译者:朱大素 校对:王颖