【考法 1】 adj. 缺乏灵活性和技巧的: lacking dexterity or skill
【例】 awkward with a needle and thread 缺乏灵巧的针线活技术
【近】 handless, maladroit
【反】 adroit, deft, dexterous, proficient, skilled 灵巧的
【考法 2】 adj. (处理问题)缺乏手段和智谋的: showing or marked by a lack of skill and tact (as in dealing with a situation)
【例】 Her awkward handling of the seating arrangements resulted in many hurt feelings. 她那缺乏智谋的座次安排伤害了许多人的感情
【近】 botched, bungling, fumbled, inept, inexpert, maladroit
【考法 3】adj. 臃肿笨拙的,不优雅的: lacking ease or grace (as of movement or expression)
【例】 an awkward design 一份粗劣的设计
【近】 clumsy, gauche, graceless, gawkish
【反】 elegant, graceful, polished, lithe, coordinated 优雅的
【考法 4】 adj. 令人尴尬的: causing embarrassment
【例】 the awkward situation of having to listen as your host and hostess quarrel loudly in the next room 不
【近】 discomfiting, disturbing, disconcerting, embarrassing, flustering
【考法 5】 adj. (因过大过重或设计问题)难以操作的: difficult to use or operate especially because of size,
weight, or design
【例】 The manual can opener is too awkward to hold. 那个手动启瓶器太难握了
【近】 ponderous, ungainly, unhandy, unwieldy, bunglesome, cranky
【反】 handy 容易操纵的
【考法】 n. 雨篷,遮阳篷: a piece of material attached to a caravan or building which provides shelter from the rain or sun
【例】 stayed under the awning outside the Starbucks during the rainstorm 在星巴克外面的遮阳棚里躲雨
【近】 awning, ceiling, cover, roof, tent
【考法 1】 adj. 弯曲或扭曲的: in a turned or twisted position or direction
【例】 Her sunglass is awry. 她墨镜戴歪了
【近】 askew, aslant, lopsided, slanted
【反】 aligned, direct, even, straight 成行的,笔直的
【考法 2】 adj./adv. 走样的(地),出差错的(地): off the correct or expected course
【例】 Operation Redwing was initially launched by US special-operation troops in hopes of capturing or killing a
Taliban leader but went awry. 由美军特种部队发起、代号为“红翼”的军事行动的起初目的是捕获或击杀一名塔
【近】 amiss, aside, astray, erroneous
【反】 right, well 无差错的
【考法 1】 adj. 公理的: based on or involving an axiom or system of axioms
【例】 Euclidean geometry is based on five axiomatic principles. 欧几里得几何学是在五条公理的基础上建立
【近】 dictum, fundamental, maxim
【考法 2】 adj. 不言自明的: taken for granted, self-evident
【例】 an axiomatic truth 一个不言而明的真理
【近】 self-evident, prima facie
【反】 controversial 有争议的
【派】 axiom n. 公理
【考法 1】 v. 发出含糊无意义的嘟囔声,胡乱说: to utter a meaningless confusion of words or sounds
【例】 Babies babble before they can talk. 婴儿在会说话以前含糊不清地发音
【近】 drivel, gabble, gibber, jabber, prattle, abracadabra
【反】 articulate 清晰地说出
【考法 2】 v. 闲聊: to engage in casual or rambling conversation
【例】 The little girls babbled contentedly for the whole ride home. 两个小姑娘在回家的路上高兴地闲聊
【近】 chatter, prate
【考法】 adj. 间接的,含沙射影的, 虚情假意的: indirect, devious, especially sarcastic
【例】 a backhanded compliment 虚情假意的恭维话
【近】 feigned, roundabout, sarcastic, hypocritical, two-faced, double-faced, left-handed
【反】 forthright 直截了当的; artless, candid, genuine, honest, sincere 真挚的,真诚的
【考法】 vt. 不断纠缠或骚扰: to harass or annoy persistently
【例】 badger him into purchasing 不断地骚扰劝说他购买
【近】 bait, plague
【考法】 n. 打趣,善意的玩笑: playful repartee, banter
【例】 the sophisticated badinage of the characters in plays by Oscar Wilde 奥斯卡謠尔德作品中意味深长的玩
【近】 banter, persiflage, repartee
【考法 1】 v. 逗弄,激怒: to persecute or exasperate with unjust, malicious, or persistent attacks
【例】 bait him with gibes about his humble origin 取笑他的平凡出身以烦扰他
【近】 badger, annoy, harass, heckle
【反】 appease, pacify, mollify, disarm 平息,使缓和
【考法 2】 v.引诱: to lead away from a usual or proper course by offering some pleasure or advantage
【例】 the investment scheme baits the greedy and the unscrupulous 这份投资计划吸引贪婪者和轻信者上钩
【近】 allure, decoy, entice, seduce
【考法 3】 n. 诱饵: something (as food) used in luring especially to a hook or trap
【例】 The squad leader has finally realized that his team was a bait. 队长终于意识到他的队伍是一个诱饵
【近】 allurement, snare, trap, temptation
【考法】 n. 痛苦,悲哀: woe, sorrow
【例】 relieve spirit from the bale 从悲痛中解脱
【近】 misery, suffering, anguish, grief
【反】 joy 快乐