【考法1】n./v. 支撑,支柱:something that supports orsustains
【例】a crutchfor local economy 当地的经济支柱
【近】brace,buttress, column, stay, support, underpinning, underpropping
【考法1】n. 中心,关键点:the basic, central, or critical point or feature
【例】the cruxof the problem 问题的核心所在
【近】core,substance, kernel, gist, pivot
【反】trifle,triviality 无价值之物
【考法1】adj. 秘密的:secret or occult
【例】crypticmessage 秘密的信息
【近】covert,furtive, secret, stealthy
【反】public,open 公开的
【考法2】adj. 含义模糊的:having or seeming to have ahidden or ambiguous meaning
【例】Thesenator made some cryptic explanations about the military operations. 参议员就军事行动给出了
【近】ambiguous,equivocal, nebulous, obscure, unclear, vague
【反】clear,explicit, obvious, plain 清晰的
【考法3】adj. 超出理解能力的:being beyond one's powersto know, understand, or explain
【例】puzzled bythe cryptic e-mail message left on his computer 被他电脑里让人费解的电子邮件而迷惑
【近】arcane,enigmatic, impenetrable, inscrutable, mystic, occult, uncanny
【反】comprehendible, understandable 可以理解的
【考法1】adj. 该受谴责的,有罪的:deserving of blame orcensure as being wrong, evil, improper, or injurious
【例】culpablebehaviors 值得谴责的行为
【近】blameworthy, censurable, guilty, reprehensible, sinful, reproachable
【反】inculpable, innocent 无罪的
【派】culpability n. 有罪
【考法1】v. 提升:to improve by labor, care, or study
【例】cultivatethe mind 开化心智
【近】educate, instruct,illuminate, nurse
【反】degrade,deteriorate, impair 损坏,降低品质
【考法2】v. 促进成长,培养:to promote the growth of (a biological culture)
【例】cultivatevegetables 种植蔬菜
【近】grow,breed, produce, raise, develop, nurture
【反】balk,frustrate, thwart 阻碍
【派】cultivation n. 栽培
【考法1】adj. 笨重的,难处理的:difficult to handlebecause of weight or bulk
【例】acumbersome piece of machinery 一件笨重的机器
【近】unhandy,ponderous, heavy, unwieldy, onerous ,thorny
【反】light,weightless 轻的;handy 容易处理的
【考法1】adj. 狡猾的:marked by or given to artfulsubtlety and deceptiveness
【例】cunningtactics 狡猾的战术
【近】artful,crafty, devious, foxy, sly, tricky, wily
【反】artless,, unsophisticated 天真无邪的
【考法2】adj. (手工)灵巧的:skillful with the hands
【例】Only themost cunning cabinetmaker could have crafted such a beautifully proportionedchest of drawers.
【近】clever,deft, handy
【反】heavy-handed, ham-handed 笨拙的
【考法3】n. 欺诈,欺骗:the inclination or practice of misleading others through lies ortrickery
【例】usedcunning and subterfuge to work her way up the corporate ladder 通过欺骗在公司中步步攀升
【近】artifice,deception, fraud
【反】ingenuousness, sincerity 真诚
【考法1】n. 脾气坏的爱抱怨的人:an irritable and complaining person
【例】a terribleold curmudgeon 一个坏脾气老头
【近】crosspatch, fusser, griper, grouser, growler, grumbler, whiner
【反】agreeableperson 令人愉快的人
【考法1】adj. 匆忙的,不注意细节的:acting or done withexcessive or careless speed
【例】a cursoryglance at the headline 匆匆地瞥了一眼标题
【近】headlong,overhasty, pell-mell, precipitate, precipitous, rash
【反】fastidious, thorough, deliberate, unhurried, unrushed 极关注细节的,彻底的,不匆忙的
【考法1】adj. 言词简略、直接(以至显得粗鲁)的:being orcharacterized by direct, brief, and potentially rude
speech or manner
【例】his curtreply 他简略而略显粗鲁的回答
【近】abrupt,bluff, brusque, downright, unceremonious
【反】circuitous, mealymouthed 迂回的
【考法2】adj. 言简意赅的:marked by the use of fewwords to convey much information or meaning
【例】on a dailybasis she e-mailed to her commanders curt reports on the situation 她每天向长官做简短汇报
【近】aphoristic, compendious, elliptical, laconic, pithy, sententious, succinct,terse
【反】diffuse, long-winded, prolix, verbose 冗长啰嗦的