1. used to do sth. 过去常常;过去曾;
例句:He used to learn everything by rote.
他过去总是死记硬背 。
2. all around 四处;到处;
例句:This Gothic cathedral has attracted visitors from all around the world.
这座哥特式的大教堂吸引了世界各地的游客 。
3. hang around 经常和…在一起;经常泡在;
例句:These days they always hang around together.
这些天他们总待在一起 。
4. turn out (以某种方式)发生;最后是;结果是;
例句:I feel certain that it will all turn out well.
我觉得最后肯定会皆大欢喜 。
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