【考法1】n. (尤指好的)名声,名誉:a good reputation
【例】Before hisnational bestseller, he was a writer of little repute. 在他的畅销书出来之前,他是个没什么名
【近】celebrity,fame, name, renown, reputation
【反】infamy,notoriety 坏名声
【派】reputableadj. 有好名声的
【考法1】vt. 酬谢,报答:to make repayment or return for
【例】requitedher love with hatred 恩将仇报
【近】indemnify,reciprocate, recompense, recoup, reimburse, remunerate, repay
【考法2】vt. 报仇:to punish in kind the wrongdoer responsible for
【例】The futurewriter would later requite the abuse he suffered at the hands of his classmatesby creating scathing portraits of them in his novels. 未来的作家会把在同学那受的委屈的帐算清的——他会在小说中把他们
【近】avenge,redress, retaliate, revenge
【反】absolve,condone, forgive, pardon 饶恕,宽恕
【考法1】n. 必需品:something necessary, indispensable, or unavoidable
【例】Calculusis a requisite for modern physics. 微积分是学习近代物理的必要知识。
【近】condition,demand, necessity, need, requirement
【考法2】adj. 必不可少的,必备的:essential, necessary
【例】Oxygen isrequisite for human to survive. 氧气是维持人类生命的必要条件。
【近】critical,compulsory, imperative, indispensable, mandatory, necessary, obligatory,required, vital
【反】needless,unnecessary 不必要的;dispensable,optional 可替换的,可选择的
【考法1】vt. 废除,取消:to make void
【例】Thegovernment refused to rescind the order of curfew. 政府拒绝撤销宵禁的决定。
【近】abolish,abrogate, annul, cancel, invalidate, negate, null, nullify, recall, repeal,revoke, void
【反】establish,enact 建立;continue,keep 维持,保持
【考法1】adj. 内向的,缄默的:restrained in words andactions
【例】tooreserved to offer a spontaneous criticism 过于缄默而不愿意发表真实的看法
【近】closemouthed, constrained, laconic, reticent, restrained, silent, taciturn.
【反】communicative, expansive, talkative 健谈的;garrulous, loquacious 话多的
【派】unreservedadj. 无保留的,外向的
【考法1】n. 剩余物:something that remains after a part is taken, separated, ordesignated
【例】In therace of nature, there is no residue left for the late. 在大自然的竞争中,总是早起的鸟儿才有虫吃。
【近】debris,remainder, remnant
【派】residualadj. 剩余的
【考法1】vt. 辞职,放弃(职位):to give up one's job or office
【例】resignedher position at the university 自动放弃她在大学的职位
【近】abnegate,cede, relinquish, renounce, surrender, step down
【反】assume,inaugurate 就职,承担(责任);usurp篡位
【考法1】n. 弹力:the property of a material that enables it to resume its originalshape or position after being bent, stretched, or compressed
【近】elasticity, flexibility, malleability, pliability
【反】inelasticity n. 无弹性
【考法2】n. 恢复能力:the ability to recover quickly from illness, change, or misfortune
【例】Her mentalresilience helped her promptly walk out of the shadow of her father’s death. 她的精神恢复能力让她迅速地走出了父亲去世的阴影当中。
【派】resilientadj. 有弹性的;能迅速恢复的
【考法1】adj. 坚定的:marked by firm determination
【例】We areglad to have such a resolute ally. 我们很高兴能拥有这样一个坚定的盟友。
【近】bound,decided, faithful, resolved, unwavering
【反】faltering,hesitant, indecisive, irresolute, jittery, vacillating, wavering 犹豫的,踌躇的
【派】resolutionn. 坚定的决心
【考法1】adj. (声音)洪亮的,共鸣的:strong and deep in tone
【例】A deepresonant voice rang out. 传来了洪亮的声音。
【近】consonant,orotund, plangent, resounding, reverberant, sonorous, vibrant
【反】faint,low, muffled, muted, smothered, soft, weak 声音模糊的,低声的
【派】resonancen. 洪亮