Oh yeah I didn't know that Yeah, no, we've never swim together No
我确实有 我并不知道 是的 我们从没一起游过泳 -没有
but you have but so but yeah I know when I was five,
但你 我记得 我五岁的时候

I was, we had a circular swimming pool that my dad built into the ground,
so it was not the one to climb up into it.
And I basically was riding my tricycle around the pool,
I just I don't know, I just took a wrong turn,and I went into the pool.
不知道为什么 我转错了方向 掉进了泳池里
And I was sort of panic and kind of just sunken and I didn't think let it go.
我当时吓坏了 不断在下沉 我也没想到要松手
So you are not a bright child. No, I was a very dumb child.
所以你小时候不是很聪明 对 我小时候蠢哭了
It's a shame.But my brother right and dove in and got me out of the pool.
太丢脸了 好在我哥跳进泳池把我救了出来
But I have this, it's like a Pavlov in thing when I go under.
I just, so I had to do There is a scene where I I hold on to all of this weighs.
有一次 一个场景是 我抓住一些重物
And I decided I'm gonna try to just off myself.