Todd: OK, Shona, let's talk about shopping. What are things you don't like to go shopping for?
Shona: The two things I don't like shopping for are food and shoes. And food because I just find it incredibly boring and I just like to get in and out of the supermarket as quickly as possible and just get what I need because I find it really like scary and weird to like how there are just so many items, like, that I don't have a clue what they are and they're all like there on the shelf. They're so many of the same thing. I just find it really weird. And the lighting in supermarkets. It is just too bright for me, and I just — everyone's walking around like zombies with their trolleys and I just find it very weird.
夏娜:有两样东西是我在购物时不喜欢买的,一个是食物,另一个是鞋。我觉得买食物很无聊,我一般进超市以后迅速买完我需要的东西然后就出去,因为超市里卖的东西太多,我觉得那又可怕又奇怪,我都不知道货架上的是什么。而且有太多同样的东西。 我觉得这很奇怪。还有超市里的灯,对我来说那个灯太亮了,我感觉推着车在超市里走的人都像僵尸一样,我觉得这很怪异。
Todd: Actually, it's funny you say that because I love shopping for food. In America, I love shopping for food because I can read the labels. In Japan, where we live now, it's not so fun because I can't read and it really drives me nuts, when I can't...
Shona: Exactly. Exactly.
Todd: OK.
Shona: Shoes.
Todd: Shoes.
Shona: Shoes I cannot shop for because I have like quite big feet. I've got like a size eight, which is like a forty. I think it is a forty-one. I think it's quite big for a girl, and I always see like really pretty shoes I really want, but they just don't fit my big feet, so it's like a big disappointment.
Todd: Actually, you know it's funny you mentioned about the shoe size because, you know, if the United Nations does anything, they should make a universal shoe size.
Shona: Yeah, and like dress sizes as well. It's like really confusing.
Todd: Like, everytime you buy shoes, it will say, " UK 12, USA 10, International 6" or whatever and it's always really confusing.
Shona: I know exactly.
Todd: OK, so you don't like food. You don't like shoes. Anything else you don't like to shop for?
Shona: I don't like to shop for technical things.
Todd: Oh, that's the best.
Shona: No. It's good for like some people.
Todd: Oh, I love that.
Shona: Especially male. I'm not being like sexist, but for me shopping for technical stuff is just so boring and it confuses me on end.
Todd: Actually, that's probably what I like to shop for the most. I think it's fun.
Shona: I can tell, actually. No, I just, I hardly ever need to get anything that's like too technical. If I do, like, I'll just ask someone else's advice because I just don't have a clue.
Todd: Right, but you have a computer right?
Shona: I have one, yeah. I have a laptop.
Todd: And you have an MP3 player?
Shona: Yeah, but these things have both been bought for me. I didn't buy them myself.
Todd: Ah.
Shona: Yeah, so that's why. A hair dryer, like I don't mind buying something like that but anything technical and it's just I'm not going to enjoy shopping for it.
