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新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List30:Unit8

来源:可可英语 编辑:alice   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
counterpart .
【考法 1】 n. (地位、功能)对等的人或物: one having the same function or characteristics as another
【例】 She worked with her counterpart in the other office to get the job done. 她与另一个办公室的同职人员一起努力完成这项工作。‖U.S. presidents and his British counterpart 美国总统和英国首相
【近】 coequal, compeer, coordinate, equivalent, fellow, like, match, parallel, peer, rival
courteous .
【考法 1】 adj. 礼貌的,恭谦有礼的: marked by polished manners, gallantry, or ceremonial usage of a court
【例】 Their customer service department always gives courteous responses, even to rude people. 哪怕是对粗鲁的消费者,他们的客服部门总是用一种非常有礼貌的态度回复。
【近】 civil, civilized, couth, genteel, gracious, mannerly, suave, urbane, well-bred
【反】 discourteous, ill-bred, ill-mannered, impertinent, impolite, impudent, insolent, rude 粗鲁的,不礼貌的
【派】 courtesy n. 礼貌,恭谦
credible .
【考法 1】 adj. 可信的,值得信赖的: worthy of being accepted as true or reasonable
【例】 It's not perfect, but is at least a credible explanation. 尽管还不算完美,但这好歹也算是可信的解释了。‖a credible account of an accident 事故的可靠报道
【近】 believable, creditable, likely, plausible, presumptive, probable
【反】 implausible, improbable, incredible, unbelievable, unlikely 不可信的,难以置信的
【派】 credibility n. 可靠性,公信力
credit .
【考法 1】 n. 信任,信赖: mental conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon
【例】 I give full credit to this report on the prevalence of cheating among college students today. 我非常相信这则有关大学中作弊成风的报道。
【近】 belief, credence, faith, trust
【反】 disbelief, doubt, dubiety, incertitude 不信任,不确定
【考法 2】 n. 表扬,赞扬: public acknowledgment or admiration for an achievement
【例】 She deserves all the credit, since she did all the work. 是她完成了所有的工作,因此荣誉都应该归她所有。
【近】 acclaim, accolade, applause, commendation, distinction, endorsement, homage, honor, kudos, laud
【反】 denunciation, excoriation, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reproof, stricture 谴责,责难
decry .
【考法 1】 vt. 强烈反对,否定: to express strong disapproval of
【例】 Scientists were quick to decry the claims of the psychic. 通灵者的说法很快就遭到了科学家的反对。‖decry the excessive emphasis on sex 谴责对于性的过分重视
【近】 belittle, denigrate, denounce, deprecate, depreciate, derogate, disapprove, dismiss, disparage, minimize
【反】 acclaim, applaud, exalt, extol, glorify, laud, magnify, praise 表扬,称颂
deign .
【考法 1】 vi. (不情愿地)屈尊,俯就: to condescend reluctantly and with a strong sense of the affront to one's superiority that is involved
【例】 I would never deign to answer that absurd accusation. 我根本不屑于去解释那样一个荒谬的指责。
【近】 condescend, stoop
delineate .
【考法 1】 vt. 勾勒,用线条描绘: to indicate or represent by drawn or painted lines
【例】 lights delineating the narrow streets 勾勒狭窄街道线条的路灯
【近】 define, silhouette, sketch, trace
【考法 2】 vt. 描写,描绘: to describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail
【例】 delineate the steps to be taken by the government 具体描述了政府所应该采取的措施‖The film does a remarkable job of delineating the emotions that immigrants feel upon their arrival in a strange country. 就描绘移民者踏上陌生国土时的心情而言,这部电影是相当成功的。
【近】 depict, display, draw, image, limn, paint, picture, portray, render
【反】 color, distort, falsify, garble, misrepresent, misstate, pervert, twist, warp 曲解,篡改本意
【派】 delineation n. 描绘
desperate .
【考法 1】 adj. 绝望的: feeling or showing no hope
【例】 a desperate spirit crying for relief 一个渴望宽慰的绝望的灵魂
【近】 despondent, despairing, forlorn, hopeless
【反】 hopeful, optimistic 充满希望的,乐观的
dichotomy .
【考法 1】 n. 一分为二,分割: a division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities
【例】 a dichotomy between the academic world and the industrial world 学术界和工业界的割裂
【近】 bifurcation, breakup, cleavage, division, fractionalization, partition, schism, scission, split, sundering
【反】 unification, union 统一
dictate .
【考法 1】 n. 指令,命令: a command by one in authority
【例】 followed the dictates of my conscience 遵从我的良心准则‖The army must abide by the dictates of the new government. 军队必须服从新政府的命令。
【近】 behest, charge, commandment, decree, direction, directive, edict, imperative, injunction, instruction, order
【考法 2】 vt. (仗着地位、权力)下令: to request the doing of by virtue of one's authority
【例】 The general dictated that the terms of surrender be negotiated by his senior staff. 将军要求投降书中的若干条款交付手下的高级将领进行讨论。
【近】 call, decree, direct, impose, mandate, ordain, order, prescribe
【反】 cancel, countermand, rescind 撤销命令
【派】 dictator n. 独裁者
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denigrate ['denigreit]


vt. 诋毁,贬低,诬蔑

decry [di'krai]


vt. 责难,诽谤

conviction [kən'vikʃən]


n. 定罪,信服,坚信

plausible ['plɔ:zəbl]


adj. 似真实合理的,似可信的

believable [bi'li:vəbl]


adj. 可信的

injunction [in'dʒʌŋkʃən]


n. 指令,命令,强制令

explanation [.eksplə'neiʃən]


n. 解释,说明

portray [pɔ:'trei]


vt. 描写,描绘,饰演

creditable ['kreditəbl]


adj. 可称誉的,声誉好的,可信的

credible ['kredəbl]


adj. 可信的,可靠的





