adj. 难以置信的,惊人的
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- and probably,well you don't care,I was gonna say controversial but
- 也许 你并不关心 或者你并不想议论这些 但是
- who do you think well you can give your opinion if we have no say of who wins
- 你认为谁 你可以给出你的意见 如果我们不说谁赢
- because it's the American, you know they are voting,but who do you think will win
- 因为那是美国人 你知道 他们投票决定 但是你认为谁会赢
- Well if you'd asked me 5 or 6 weeks ago,100% I would've said Crystal
- 如果你在5、6周之前问我 我会百分之百的说是 克雷斯特
- but now I've changed my mind,I think Lee is gonna win,but you know what
- 但现在我改变了主意 我认为李会赢 但是你知道吗
- the last two years I've gotten it completely and utterly wrong
- 在过去的两年里我的预测一点儿也不靠谱
- So I don't think anyone is listening to me anymore,but it's just a hunch that something about him
- 所以我想现在也许没人会听我的 但是对于他我有一种预感
- the fact that he's worked in a paint shop,he's talented
- 他在一家油漆店工作 他非常的有天赋
- he hasn't had any real breaks in his life,and this have given him a shot,so I like that
- 他的人生还没真正交过好运 美偶给了他一个机会 我喜欢
- and we have to take break,but before we go to break we just have to tell people
- 我们得休息一会儿 在休息之前我们要告诉大家
- not only are you really sweet and charming and all those other things,but you are such a animal lover
- 你不仅英俊 有才 是个极品 你还爱小动物
- and that's something that I think,a lot of people don't really know about you and how much you love animals
- 我想你身上的这个特点 人们并不了解 你有多爱动物们
- well I gotta tell you that story,you just showed me about those animals
- 好的 我会跟你分享一些故事关于 你刚才给我们展示的那些动物们
- I mean it is absolutely incredible and anything I could ever do to help,I mean I'm there
- 那真是难以置信 如果我能帮上任何忙的话 我就会做的
- that's a fantastic facility,it is great,I mean you are very sincere both of you,I've seen you
- 那可真是一个美妙的地方 很不错 你们俩都是很诚恳地对待这件事 我看见你
- you know you don't just talk about it,you actually do something about it,that's right you gotta love animals
- 你知道吗 你不只是在说 你的的确确有做 那是对的 你当然要爱动物
- yep you gotta love them who gotten't love animals,alright we're gonna take break, we'll be back with Simon Cowell
- 是 你当然 谁不会爱上他们呢 好的 我们休息一下 我们将和西蒙·考威尔一起回来

重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
incredible | [in'kredəbl] | |||
controversial | [.kɔntrə'və:ʃəl] | 联想记忆 | ||
charming | ['tʃɑ:miŋ] | 联想记忆 | ||
fantastic | [fæn'tæstik] | |||
voting | ['vəutiŋ] | 联想记忆 | ||
absolutely | ['æbsəlu:tli] | |||
dismiss | [dis'mis] | 联想记忆 | ||
crystal | ['kristl] | |||
hunch | [hʌntʃ] | |||
talented | ['tæləntid] |

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