In a show of brutal arrogance, the local governor had East Anglia declared a slave province.
极尽傲慢残忍的罗马地方官 将东盎格鲁划为奴隶区
To make the point about who exactly owned whom,
Boudicca was treated to a public flogging
while her two daughters were raped in front of her.
In 60 AD, Boudicca rose up in furious revolt,
公元60年 狂怒下的布迪卡大举反抗
quickly gathering an army bent on vengeance.
With the cream of the Roman troops tied down
suppressing an insurgency in north Wales,
Boudicca's army marched towards the place which symbolised the now-hated Roman colonisation of Britain, Colchester.
布迪卡的大军顺利进军至科尔切斯特 象征着不列颠与罗马仇恨的地方
It helped that it was lightly garrisoned.
罗马的驻防不力 成了对手的天赐良机
After a firestorm march through eastern England,
burning Roman settlements one by one,it was the city's turn.
纵火逐个烧毁罗马殖民地 整城转眼倾覆
The frightened Roman colonists had to fall back to the one place they were sure
被吓傻了的罗马殖民者被迫撤退到 他们坚信自己会被
they were going to be protected by their emperor and their gods the great temple of Claudius.
他们的上帝与君主保护的地方 克劳蒂亚斯大帝神庙
If the terrified Romans thought they were going to escape the implacable anger of Boudicca,
若这些惶恐至极的罗马人 妄想在此就能逃过怒不可遏的布迪卡
they were seriously out of luck.
With thousands of them huddled terrified in the temple above these foundations,
数千惊惶失措的罗马人 蜷缩在这寺庙之中
she began to set light to it.
They must have been able to smell the scorch and smoke and fire coming towards them,
他们定能察觉到烧焦气味 烟雾 以及火势的步步逼近
as their new imperial city burned down with themselves and everything else buried in smoke and ash.
帝国神圣的庇护所坍塌了 一切 包括他们自己都葬身于尘灰之中
Thousands died in this place.Boudicca had her revenge.
数千人葬身火海 布迪卡终得以血刃仇敌