Alfred's victory was a holding operation,forcing the Vikings to settle for less than half the country.
阿尔弗雷德此战告捷 只能维持现状 迫使维京海盗安于半壁江山
But when in 886 Alfred entered London,rebuilt over the old Roman site,something of a deep significance did happen.
而当886年阿尔弗雷德进驻伦敦 在罗马旧址上重建都城时 发生了一件具有历史性意义的事
He was acclaimed as the sovereign lord of all the English people not under subjection to the Danes.
他被尊为至高无上的王 所有不在丹麦人管辖内的英格兰人的王
So it appears that during Alfred's lifetime the idea of a united English kingdom had become conceivable and even desirable.
因此 似乎在阿尔弗雷德的有生之年 建立统一的英格兰王国 不仅不再是梦想 还成为了民心所向
The exquisite Alfred Jewel found not far from Athelney has inscribed on its edge: Aelfred mec heht gewyrcan Alfred caused me to be made.
人们阿塞尔内附近发现了阿尔弗雷德之宝 它的边缘雕刻着 我因阿尔弗雷德而创造
And the same might well be said of his reinvention of the English monarchy.
同因阿尔弗雷德而出现的 还有英格兰君主制的改革
The enormous haunting eyes which dominate the figure are said to be symbols of wisdom or sight,
人像的亮点是那硕大而令人难忘的双目 它们被誉为智慧与洞察力的象征
apt qualities for a ruler whose ambitions were so lofty.
Alfred's special gift was indeed to be able to see clearly England's place in the scheme of things,
阿尔弗雷德真正过人的天赋是 对英格兰的一切都了若指掌
the debt of his realm to antiquity his bequest to posterity.
无论是自先人手中结果的烂摊子 还是他将留与子孙的遗赠
With his realm transformed,Alfred made possible a true Anglo-Saxon renaissance in the 10th century,
随着他的王国焕然一新 阿尔弗雷德在公元十世纪 让盎格鲁-撒克逊从获新生
creating stunning works of Christian art and architecture.
But the long shadow of Rome still fell over all this brilliance.
Alfred's grandson would be crowned the first King of England in a great Roman-style coronation.
阿尔弗雷德的孙子 是第一个以罗马仪式加冕的英格兰国王
Where did this momentous event happen? Where else but Bath?
如此盛事 定是要选在巴斯举行
Well we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves.England has been conceived, not yet born.
这一切或许尚言之过早 此时的英格兰仍在孕育 尚未诞生
And to the north, Pictland has even further to go before it's recognisably a kingdom of Scotland.
而北方的皮克特则要经历更漫长的过程 苏格兰王国才会初见雏形
But for a generation or two it did look as though the grafting of Anglo-Saxon culture onto the enduring legacy of Roman Britain had produced an extraordinary flowering.
在当时的那一两代人看来 罗马不列颠遗留下来的不朽遗产 仿佛正哺育着盎格鲁撒克逊文明抽枝萌芽 不日将成为奇葩
But the shoots were still green,the buds were tender and vulnerable,
但枝芽尚且娇嫩 蓓蕾仍旧脆弱
and before this new kingdom had a chance to mature it would be cut down by the devastating blow of an invader's axe.
而这个新兴的王国还未及发展成熟 便将彻底夭折在入侵者的战斧之下