When the Archbishop of Canterbury offered one of his brightest proteges,
坎特伯雷的大主教 建议让其门下最聪明的学徒
Thomas becket, for the office of chancellor,Henry listened, looked and gave him the job.
托马斯·贝克特 出任大法官 亨利接纳了该建议并予以实现
So who exactly was this Becket?For start, he was the first commoner of any kind to make a mark on British history.
那么贝克特到底是何许人 首先 他是在英国史上 留下名字的第一个平民
The possibility that someone like Becket, a merchant's son,
with an impoverished Norman Knight clanking around somewhere in the family closet,
穷困潦倒 家徒四壁的诺曼骑士后裔
could end up as the King's best friend,said something about the possibility of the great swarming city itself.
最终却成为国王的挚友 在这座人潮涌动的城市里 想想看这微乎其微的可能性吧
At the heart of the emerging capital was the great church of St Paul,
在这座新兴城市的中心 坐落着圣保罗大教堂
and around it,upriver from the grim pile of the Conqueror's Tower,were wharves thick with ships loaded with wool going out,wines, furs or silks coming in.
而在那周围 沿着阴森可怖的伦敦塔向上游前进 是满载羊毛离港和满载着酒 皮毛与丝绸进港的繁忙码头
In this teeming world, Becket's father strutted,owner of one of the grandest houses in Cheapside.
在这个物产富饶的国度 贝克特的父亲财大气粗 坐拥戚普塞街最宏伟的建筑之一
The truth is Becket was a real Londoner,with a natural flair for doing what Londoners like doing most
其实贝克特是个土生土长的伦敦人 保有伦敦人的一贯作风
the getting and spending of money, spectacle, costume and,despite his notoriously delicate gut,Becket seems to have enjoyed good food and drink.
即花钱于表演和服装之上 除去这些众所周知的高雅活动 贝克特还乐于享受美食与美酒
He was street smart and he was book smart.
他不仅处事圆滑 而且才华横溢
In short, from the get go,Becket was a big league performer.He was a player.
简而言之 从一开始 贝克特就注定是一位杰出的领导者 他是一名弄权者