Science and technology: Air-pollution: Breathtaking
Air-quality indices make pollution seem less bad than it is.
Smoking a whole packet of cigarettes in a day once or twice a year would certainly make someone feel ill, but probably would not kill him.

Smoking even one cigarette every day for decades, though, might do so.
That is the difference between acute and chronic exposure, and it is a difference most people understand.
What they may not understand is that the same thing applies to air pollution.
On a day-to-day basis, the forecasts most cities offer turn red only when pollution levels rise to a point where they will cause immediate discomfort.
That makes sense, for it lets people such as asthmatics take appropriate action.
But it might also lead the unwary to assume, if most days in the place he inhabits are green, that the air he is breathing is basically safe.
This may well not be the case.
In London, for example, a study published last year by researchers at King’s College suggested air pollution shortens the city’s inhabitants’ lives by nine to 16 months.
To investigate the matter, The Economist crunched a year’s worth of data collected from May 2015 onwards in 15 big cities.
They were gathered by Plume Labs, a firm based in Paris, which uses them to produce a commercial air-quality app.
这些数据由巴黎的Plume Lab公司收集,并用于制作一款商业化的空气质量应用软件。
The three pollutants of most concern in rich countries are nitrogen dioxide (NO2, a brownish gas emitted by car exhausts, and particularly by diesels) , ozone (a triatomic form of oxygen that irritates lungs) and soot-particles smaller than 2.5 microns across (which makes them tiny enough to get deep into the lungs) .
在富裕国家,最引人担忧的三种污染物分别是二氧化氮 (NO2,汽车——特别是柴油汽车尾气中的一种棕色气体) 、臭氧 (分子由三个氧原子构成,对肺部有危害) 以及截面直径小于2.5微米的烟尘颗粒 (体积微小,可以深入肺部)。
These pollutants can cause a variety of medical difficulties, including asthma, heart disease, lung cancer and stunted lung growth in children.
Levels of NO2 in London and Paris are routinely higher than World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines about what constitutes a long-term hazard, known as the annual average limit—and that goes, too, for particulate matter.
伦敦和巴黎的二氧化氮含量通常高于世界卫生组织 (WHO) 的参考值,二氧化碳浓度长期高于这一参考值就会对人体造成伤害,这个参考值即年平均浓度限值——这一标准同样适用于细微颗粒物。
In London, during daytime, the concentration of NO2 exceeded the WHO’s limit by 41%, on average, over the 12 months examined.
In Paris, where the national index said air quality was “good” or “very good” four days out of five, our analysis found that at least one of the three main pollutants exceeded the WHO’s limit at some point almost every day.
在巴黎,国家空气指数显示,每五天之中有四天的空气质量都是 “良好” 或者 “优质”,但是我们的分析结果表明,全天之内三种污染物无一超标的天数屈指可数。