Be careful when you tell people you "might" do something. Are you sure about that? No one is asking you to solve world peace. When you say you "might" finish a report, it implies you lack some ability, don't manage your time well, or have too many priorities.
I might take the college entrance test.
I might fail.
I might just forget about college.
Might is an ambivalent word that shows a lack of intention and direction. Using might on your weekly planning, daily to-do lists, or in response to others’ requests could result in tasks left undone. That’s precisely because in your thoughts and speech, you don’t appear to care either way. Go for a YES or NO. If you are not sure about whether or not to do a task, think “maybe” but give it a deadline and convert soon to a YES or NO. It’s not about saying yes all the time; it’s about making a decision either way. You move from not confident to decisive.
工作计划、学习安排、还有未来的打算,但凡跟might这个词扯上关系,八成你是实现不了了。因为might正好透露了你没目标、没方向,或者压根就不在乎的小心思。靠谱一点的做法是直截了当地说Yes或No。就算不太肯定,用maybe也行啊~ 只是别忘了给个最后期限,这样才显得自信有担当!
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