At the same time a growing number of private firms have ambitions to mine precious metals from those celestial bodies, too.
One of the (many) problems that NASA and the space-prospecting crowd will have to solve is what to do about the dust.
Fortunately for them Kavya Manyapu, an engineer at Boeing who has been working with scientists from NASA’s Glenn Research Centre, may have a solution.
对他们来说有一个好消息:波音公司的一位工程师Kavya Manyapu现如今正在与来自美国家航空航天局的格伦研究中心的科学家合作,而这个问题有望得到解决。
Ms Manyapu has come up with a new kind of spacesuit material that neutralises the dust in two different ways, one passive and one active.

The passive strategy is a novel polymer-based coating that is applied to the top of an ordinary fabric spacesuit.
It is impregnated with tiny dust-like particles of its own, which makes it harder for the real thing to stick.
To get rid of any dust that does nevertheless manage to accumulate, the material also has embedded within it a yarn made of conducting carbon-nanotube fibres.
Connect those to a power source, and the fabric can create an electric field that repels the charged dust particles.
In tests, the two systems managed to repel about 90% of the simulated lunar dust that the material was exposed to.
That would be a useful trick for future lunar explorers.
But as is traditional for technology developed for use in space, Boeing is keen on terrestrial applications, too.
The firm reckons its dust-repellent fabric could find uses in medicine or clean-room manufacturing.
But until it has patented the idea, the company is not going into specifics.