1.make regular use of 经常使用
Only a fraction of readers make regular use of the reservation service.
只有一小部分读者经常利用预留服务 。
2.annual usage 年度使用情况
Biodiesel that doesn't meet the threshold won't qualify toward meeting the new annual usage mandates for the fuel.
达不到减排底限要求的生物柴油将不能获得新的年度使用量强制性保障 。
3.set the pace 领先
They set the pace in cutting ozone-damaging emissions
他们在减少破坏臭氧层的气体排放量方面走在了最前面 。
4.venture capital funding 创业投资基金
To date, including the $9 million infusion, LeisureLink has raised $25 million in venture capital funding.
迄今为止,加上这900万美元的融资,LeisureLink共筹集风险投资2500万美元 。