1.deservedly 理所当然地 He deservedly won the player of the year award. 他理所应当地赢得了年度最佳球员奖 2.platitude 陈词滥调 Why couldn't he say something original instead of spouting the same old platitudes? 他为什么就不能讲些有新意的话,而不是喋喋不休地说些老生常谈呢? 3.iconoclastic 打破旧习的 His iconoclastic tendencies can get him into trouble. 他与传统信仰相悖的思想倾向可能会给他带来麻烦U=d_tPs|2*&ABB。 4.to the tune of 多达 We were robbed to the tune of fifty pounds. 我们被抢去的钱计有五十镑F-xT20L3znF(SxZ4。 n+eiq(jAzl)X!YvfD