Stone, too, was chosen to pick up the changing colours of daylight: creamy limestone, as at Doha, or the pale pink Tennessee marble he used for the East Building. But everyday concrete could also be refined to his purposes by matching its colour consistently to local earth, bush-hammering the NCAR slabs so that they resembled weathered rocks, and avoiding visible joins. One of his designs for William Zeckendorf, the flamboyant NewYork property developer who employed him in the 1950s, was the Kips Bay Plaza housing project, two square grids in precast concrete which were meant to revitalise a blighted neighbourhood.
石头也被选来捕捉日光变幻的颜色:像在多哈应用的奶油色石灰岩,或者是他用来建造东方建筑的淡粉色田纳西大理石。但是日常的混凝土也可以通过使其颜色与当地土壤一致来达到他的目的,国家大气研究中心应用的剁斧石做法,使石板看起来像风化的岩石,并避免可见的连接。威廉·泽肯多夫是上世纪50年代聘用他的纽约房地产开发商,行事高调。 贝聿铭为威廉设计的一个作品是基普斯湾广场的住宅项目,两个由预制混凝土构成的方形网格,旨在重振一个衰败的街区。
He softened them with arched and recessed windows until they looked like honeycombs. Architecture could heal, too. Once Jackie Kennedy had daringly picked him to build her husband's library in 1964, he became such a feature of America's cultural scene, owlishly sipping his favourite red Bordeaux, that it was easy to forget that only the rise of the communists in China had kept him in America at all. He had come to study in 1934, lured mostly by the films of Bing Crosby and Betty Grable, and had fun. But he was keen to go back until it became too risky for a banker's son to do so.
他用拱形和凹形的窗户使它们变得柔和,直到它们看起来像蜂巢。建筑也可以治愈创伤。1964年,杰奎琳·肯尼迪大胆地选择贝聿铭来建造她丈夫的图书馆,他成为了美国文化的一个重要人物,独自啜饮着他最喜欢的波尔多红酒,人们很容易忘记,只有中国共产党的崛起才让他留在了美国。1934年,主要受宾·克罗斯比和贝蒂·格拉布尔的电影吸引,他来到这里学习,过得很开心。 但他很想回去,直到一个银行家的儿子这么做风险太大。

He therefore took American citizenship, but did not cut the roots. His wife was Chinese; his children had Chinese names. And his imagination had been shaped less by Le Corbusieror Walter Gropius, though he met and admired both men, than by his family's ancient gardens at Suzhou in Jiangsu. There, as a child, he would wander winding paths through fantastic rocks towards pavilions, unconsciously absorbing sightlines and approaches, light and shadow, as well as the framing of views. He did not forget.