1.throw away扔掉;错失
Failing to tackle the deficit would be throwing away an opportunity we haven't had for a generation...
如果不能成功解决赤字问题,我们将错过等了一代人才等来的机会 。
2.rip off撕掉;坑骗
Suddenly he pulled off his mask. rip off violently and forcefully.
然后突然撕下了面具 。猛烈而强有力地撕掉 。
3.drag out拖延
The company was willing to drag out the proceedings for years.
公司愿意将诉讼拖上几年 。
4.wash off洗掉
Rub down the door and wash off the dust before applying the varnish.
在上清漆前,要彻底打磨这扇门并把尘土清洗掉 。