Schwab could not go on charging $4.95 a pop. Still less could TD Ameritrade keep asking $6.95.
Admittedly, both have more strings to their bows than execution.
They have their adviser platforms; they hold a combined $5trn-plus in client assets; Schwab owns a bank with $208bn in assets.
But no one expects the combined firm to start charging again for online trades.
To stay competitive, the established discount brokers will have to drive costs down, spread those costs over a broader base and spend more on technology.
Christopher Harris, an analyst at Wells Fargo, estimates that in past takeovers of discount brokers,
美国富国银行的一名分析师Christopher Harris估计在过去对折扣经纪公司的收购中,
cost savings have amounted to 50% of the target's expense base.
Schwab and TD Ameritrade expect to save $1.8bn-2bn a year, about two-thirds of TD Ameritrade's operating costs.

As elsewhere in finance, the biggest are likeliest to endure.
They can afford to spend oodles on technology and to maintain branches as a national branding presence.
And when margins are wafer-thin, volume is king.
The importance of scale may help to explain why E Trade's share price fell by more than 9% on the day news broke of its rivals' probable tie-up.
规模的重要性或许能够帮助解释为什么在其竞争对手可能结盟的消息传出的当天,E Trade的股价下跌了9%以上。
It had also been buoyed by a takeover premium; now E Trade looks a little lonely.
它还受到收购溢价的提振;现在E Trade看起来有点孤单。
America's antitrust authorities are certain to scrutinise a deal between the two biggest discount brokers.
Whether they will block it, says Matthias Memminger of Bain, a consulting firm, is less sure.
贝恩咨询公司的Matthias Memminger表示,他们是否会阻止它,就不那么确定了。
Americans buying and selling shares have plenty of choice. They can invest, for example, using Fidelity or Vanguard,
two mighty asset managers that push their own funds, or through their tied advisers.
Banks' broking divisions are also keen for their custom.
And Schwab and TD Ameritrade will doubtless argue that they have fintechs to look out for too.
If they didn't, they would have had less of an urge to merge.