The government's caps on mortgage availability have hit first-time buyers, particularly those looking to buy in affluent areas.
The government says it wants to help "end-users" of apartments and punish "speculators",
says Song In-ho of the Korea Development Institute, a think-tank. But its attempts to deter the latter have also hurt the former.
智囊团韩国发展研究院的Song In-ho说到。但其阻止后者的努力也伤害了前者。
The discontent is exacerbated by the peculiarities of the rental market. Two-fifths of people living in Seoul own their homes; the rest are tenants.
Because South Koreans tend to invest the bulk of their savings in property,
four-fifths of landlords are other private households rather than corporations or public institutions,
compared with nearly two-thirds in Japan and just over half in Britain.
Roughly half of all tenancies are based on a unique system known as jeonse, or "key money".
Under a jeonse contract, the tenant pays the landlord a deposit of between 60% and 80% of the purchase price to live rent-free for two years.

The deposits have helped landlords finance further property purchases.
But they make it hard for anyone without the savings to find anywhere affordable to live, even if they rent.
Seoul may seem cheaper than cities such as London or Hong Kong when prices are compared to incomes. But it is less affordable than it looks.
There are other strains. Household debt is high, having risen rapidly in the past.
"The economy as a whole is far too exposed to the property market," reckons Hahm Joon-ho,
Hahm Joon-ho认为,“整体经济受房地产市场影响较大,”
a former member of the Bank of Korea's monetary-policy board now at Yonsei University in Seoul. "If prices fell suddenly, it would be very bad."
In the short term, then, the government's inability to bring down prices may be no bad thing.
No one wants to see a sudden house-price crash at a time when the economy is already suffering a pandemic-induced slowdown.
The economic fallout from the virus could curtail household incomes.
That might delay the economic recovery as people cut back on their spending in order to service their loans, although interest-rate cuts should provide some relief.
In the longer term, though, the problem of affordability will have to be dealt with.
Increasing supply is likely to be a much more promising way of bringing house prices down than intricate policy interventions, says Mr Hahm.
There is no sign that Seoul will become less attractive as a place to live, or that prospective homeowners will become less exacting in their tastes.
"More and more people want to live in high-quality apartments. Seoul does not have enough of those—and so we need to build more."