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来源:经济学人 编辑:Melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The Epic case may hinge on how the court defines the relevant market.
  • Epic案件的结果可能取决于法院如何界定相关市场。
  • In Apple's eyes the App Store is part of a broader universe of digital platforms in which it can reasonably claim not to be a monopolist.
  • 在苹果公司看来,苹果应用商店只是庞大数字平台的一部分,它可以合理地宣称自己不是垄断企业。
  • Epic takes a narrower view, arguing that iPhones are a market unto themselves.
  • Epic则持有狭隘的观点,它认为苹果手机本身就是一个市场。
  • Most lawyers think Apple had the better of the initial exchanges.
  • 大多数律师认为,苹果公司在最初的几次交锋中占了上风。
  • The judge seemed unconvinced by Apple's attempts to stop Epic from updating the iPhone version of the software behind "Fortnite", which is licensed to other gamesmakers.
  • 法官似乎并不相信苹果公司试图阻止Epic升级iPhone版“堡垒之夜”,因为这款游戏已经授权给了其他游戏开发者。
  • But she reserved her strongest words for Epic, which she admonished for inviting trouble.
  • 但法官对Epic疾言厉色,她警告说Epic是在自找麻烦。
  • The case looks likely to go to a jury trial next year.
  • 这个案子看起来很可能在明年由陪审团审理。
  • With no clear precedent, big ramifications for the tech industry and the odds that the losing party will appeal,
  • 由于没有明确的先例、案子对科技产业影响重大、以及败诉方存在上诉的可能性,
  • the dispute may end up in the Supreme Court.
  • 这场纠纷最终可能会在最高法院进行。
  • In the meantime, Apple is facing other pressures.
  • 与此同时,苹果公司还面临着其它压力。
  • Epic is being cheered on by fellow members of the "Coalition for App Fairness",
  • Epic公司目前得到了“应用程序公平联盟”成员的支持,
  • like Spotify, a music-streamer, and Match Group, owner of Tinder and other dating apps.
  • 比如音乐软件公司Spotify和Tinder等其他约会应用的所有者Match Group。
  • In June, at Spotify's urging, the EU opened an antitrust probe into the App Store,
  • 今年6月,在Spotify的敦促下,欧盟对苹果应用程序展开了反垄断调查。
  • and David Cicilline, who chairs a committee in America's Congress that examines antitrust issues, described Apple's fees as "highway robbery"
  • 美国众议院司法委员会反垄断小组委员会负责人戴维·西西兰将苹果的收费行为描述成是“拦路抢劫”,
  • and lamented the lack of "real competition" on iPhones.
  • 并痛惜苹果手机上缺乏“真正的竞争”。
  • While it battles Epic in the courts, Apple may tweak its rules to placate some developers.
  • 尽管苹果在法庭上与Epic公司明争暗斗,但它可能也会为安抚一些应用开发商对应用商店规则进行调整。
  • It has done so on occasion in the past, for instance exempting Amazon from the 30% commission on in-app purchases for the e-commerce giant's Prime Video streaming app.
  • 这样的行为过去也时有发生,比如,苹果曾免除电商巨头亚马逊旗下流媒体Prime Video内购的30%抽成。
  • On September 25th, following criticism from Facebook, Apple announced a temporary waiver on the 30% fee on in-app purchases for companies that had been forced by the covid-19 pandemic to switch to online-only events.
  • 9月25日,受到Facebook指责的苹果公司宣布,针对那些因新冠疫情而被迫转向线上活动的公司,暂时免除它们应用内购的30%抽成。
  • Such concessions may be as far as Apple will go, at least willingly.
  • 这样的让步可能已经是苹果所能做的极限了,至少它是自愿的。
  • When Steve Jobs launched the App Store in 2008, he didn't think it would ever make much money.
  • 史蒂夫·乔布斯在2008年推出苹果应用商店时,并未想过它能赚到很多钱。
  • He was wrong.
  • 但他错了。
  • Although the company does not break out the platform's financial results,
  • 尽管苹果公司从未公布过应用商店平台的财政业绩,
  • it probably makes up the bulk of its services business,
  • 但它可能是苹果服务业务的主要组成部分。
  • which accounts for nearly 20% of revenues—and rising, as iPhone sales slow.
  • 苹果公司的服务业务占总收入的近20%,而且伴随苹果手机销量缓慢,这一比重还在上涨。
  • Seeing what a promising profit engine it has turned into,
  • 眼看着苹果应用商店变成了前途光明的利润引擎,
  • Apple's late boss would doubtless have fought tooth and nail to hang on to it.
  • 这位已故的苹果老板必定会竭尽全力地坚持下去。


The Epic case may hinge on how the court defines the relevant market. In Apples eyes the App Store is part of a broader universe of digital platforms in which it can reasonably claim not to be a monopolist. Epic takes a narrower view, arguing that iPhones are a market unto themselves.

Most lawyers think Apple had the better of the initial exchanges. The judge seemed unconvinced by Apples attempts to stop Epic from updating the iPhone version of the software behindFortnite”, which is licensed to other gamesmakers. But she reserved her strongest words for Epic, which she admonished for inviting trouble.
The case looks likely to go to a jury trial next year. With no clear precedent, big ramifications for the tech industry and the odds that the losing party will appeal, the dispute may end up in the Supreme Court.


In the meantime, Apple is facing other pressures. Epic is being cheered on by fellow members of theCoalition for App Fairness”, like Spotify, a music-streamer, and Match Group, owner of Tinder and other dating apps. In June, at Spotifys urging, the EU opened an antitrust probe into the App Store, and David Cicilline, who chairs a committee in Americas Congress that examines antitrust issues, described Apples fees ashighway robberyand lamented the lack ofreal competitionon iPhones.

与此同时,苹果公司还面临着其它压力。Epic公司目前得到了“应用程序公平联盟”成员的支持,比如音乐软件公司SpotifyTinder等其他约会应用的所有者Match Group。今年6月,在Spotify的敦促下,欧盟对苹果应用程序展开了反垄断调查。美国众议院司法委员会反垄断小组委员会负责人戴维·西西兰将苹果的收费行为描述成是“拦路抢劫”,并痛惜苹果手机上缺乏“真正的竞争”。
While it battles Epic in the courts, Apple may tweak its rules to placate some developers. It has done so on occasion in the past, for instance exempting Amazon from the 30% commission on in-app purchases for the e-commerce giants Prime Video streaming app. On September 25th, following criticism from Facebook, Apple announced a temporary waiver on the 30% fee on in-app purchases for companies that had been forced by the covid-19 pandemic to switch to online-only events.
尽管苹果在法庭上与Epic公司明争暗斗,但它可能也会为安抚一些应用开发商对应用商店规则进行调整。这样的行为过去也时有发生,比如,苹果曾免除电商巨头亚马逊旗下流媒体Prime Video内购的30%抽成。9月25日,受到Facebook指责的苹果公司宣布,针对那些因新冠疫情而被迫转向线上活动的公司,暂时免除它们应用内购的30%抽成。
Such concessions may be as far as Apple will go, at least willingly. When Steve Jobs launched the App Store in 2008, he didnt think it would ever make much money. He was wrong. Although the company does not break out the platforms financial results, it probably makes up the bulk of its services business, which accounts for nearly 20% of revenuesand rising, as iPhone sales slow. Seeing what a promising profit engine it has turned into, Apples late boss would doubtless have fought tooth and nail to hang on to it.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
promising ['prɔmisiŋ]


adj. 有希望的,有前途的

supreme [sju:'pri:m]


adj. 最高的,至上的,极度的

probe [prəub]


n. 探针,探测器,调查,查究
v. 用探针测

hinge [hindʒ]


n. 铰链,关键
vt. 用铰链装

jury ['dʒuəri]


n. 陪审团,评委会
adj. 临时用的

willingly ['wiliŋli]


adv. 乐意地,心甘情愿地

temporary ['tempərəri]


adj. 暂时的,临时的
n. 临时工

commission [kə'miʃən]


n. 委员会,委托,委任,佣金,犯罪

claim [kleim]


n. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物

placate [plei'keit]


vt. 抚慰,和解





