Villages were burned to the ground, captured men hanged or shot. Cattle were stolen, thousands driven from their homes.
Even the wearing of Highland dress was banned, in an effort to strip the clans not just of their possessions, but of their identity.
The hopes and dreams of the Jacobites had to live in the secret world of things now,
things that could be hidden or disguised -- a lock of Bonnie Prince Charlie's hair or the mysterious emblems engraved on wine glasses.
Take a look at this board for example. At first sight, it seems an indecipherable smudge of paint.
But if you look at it the right way -- reflected against the silvered mirror of a cylinder, it turns into The Lost Love, the boy born to be king, the saviour across the water.
Unhappily for the keepers of the Jacobite flame, Charles Edward in exile went rapidly downhill.
Too many mistresses, far too much drink, years of indolence, made him prematurely decrepit.
But the romantic myth of the bonnie prince Charlie, would survive the wreckage of his real history.
It would live in the poems and popular ballads, where he would always be the dashing, charismatic boy prince.
But Jacobitism as a political force was spent.
In the decades following Culloden, a transformation would take place in Scotland.
The Jacobite warriors who'd been unable to break Britannia were given an alternative to returning to their old obsessions of clan loyalty, join the future, join the army of the British Empire.
Many thousands took the offer. Instead of being the perennial victims of that empire, they now colonised it.
In the cities, too, a new Scotland was being born.
In just 20 years or so after Culloden, it became common to refer to Edinburgh and Glasgow as hotbeds of genius.
The collapse of the backward-looking cult of honour made room for the flowering of the forward-looking cult of modernity.
In the academies, drawing rooms and reading clubs of Scottish cities, hopeless dreams were replaced by the appetite for hard facts and hard cash.
The first British theory of progress was sketched out by Scottish philosophers like Adam Ferguson and David Hume.
They looked at their own country's tragedy and saw in its history the entire arc of human social evolution,
from hunting and gathering societies to settled farmers and, finally, to true civilisation -- the world of commerce, science and industry, the world of the towns.
It was another Scot, Robert Adam, who became the first British king of architectural style.
Less than 20 years after Bonnie Prince Charlie had retreated from Derby, a different Scottish conqueror came back to Derbyshire and, this time, he was invincible.
At Kedleston Hall, Robert Adam built in a new style for a new kind of aristocrat.
Its owner, the first Lord Scarsdale, was a true new Briton -- rich, not just from land, but from the coal mines of Derbyshire.
What he wanted was a house that would not overpower the visitor with vulgar displays of swaggering wealth,
but somewhere that would speak of Roman grandeur, of noble classical austerity, of loftiness of mind, of purity of taste, a palace of contemplation, a temple of virtue.
Could the accumulation of private riches be a force for general happiness?
The Scot who made the deepest mark on the future of Britain certainly thought so.
In 1746, while the last survivors of Cumberland's butchery were being hunted down, Adam Smith, son of a customs officer, had an exhilarating vision of the future.
That vision was based on Smith's rejection of guilt and sin.
But it would his revolutionary book, "The Wealth of Nations", which would mark Scotland's farewell to sentimental self-destruction.
Upbeat and optimistic about the happiness of material life, Smith laid out, as a matter of scientific fact, mankind's natural drive to self-betterment.
Allowed to follow their natural urges, men would create, without even willing it, a better world. Richer, freer, more educated.
The best thing government could do was get out of the way and allow the "Invisible hand of the market" to do its work.
The economic world was like a watch, he wrote, its springs and wheels all admirably adjusted to the ends for which it was made.
So, too, the countless movements of men would perfectly interact for the purposes for which God had made them.
That purpose was progress, and it was one of history's sweetest ironies that it had fallen to Scotland -- poor, bloodied, mutilated Scotland -- to show Britannia the way ahead.
If you want to see the future, forget the pompous monuments of England's past.
Come north instead to the new towns of Glasgow and Edinburgh and see the future of Britain. The future, perhaps, of the world.