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新概念全新全绎:Lessons 093&094

来源:大耳朵 编辑:lily   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Lesson 93&94

Listen and enjoy < you will be in my heart>

Listen and complete

- Good morning, doctor.

- Good morning, what’s the matter with you?

- I’ve got a temperature and cough a lot. I’m so sick that I can’t do anything.

- Now open your mouth. How long have you been like this?

- It’s about five days ago.

- You’ve got a cold.

- What shall I do?

- You’d better take some medicine and stay in bed for three days. Here is the medicine. Please have the medicine three times a day after your meals.

- What else shall I do?

- Have plenty of water.

- Thank you very much.

- That’s all right.

Listen and write.

- What can I do for you, Rachel?

- Well, I couldn’t sleep last night.

- What’s the matter?

- I got a terrible stamochache.

- What did you eat yesterday?

- For lunch, I had salad and a pear. I didn’t have supper because I didn’t feel well.

- Was the pear red or green? You must be carefully about the fruit.

- Oh, it was green. I think that maybe the problem.




