Name(名称): Dianthus, its botanical name, means divine flower. Carnation was the flesh-pink colour Elizabethan portrait painters used as a background wash.
Description(描述): The carnation is available as a standard carnation - one large flower per stem, or a spray carnation with lots of smaller flowers.

Colour(颜色): Available in a huge range of colours, almost all except blue. A mauve carnation with a blue tinge has been developed by Florigene in Australia. But they look best in hot Latin shades of red, pink and orange.
Availability(花期): All year round.
Varieties(种类): New varieties have been bred which look like old-fashioned garden pinks, but in bright colours. They have daintier relatives, the fantastically fragrant Sweet Williams and Pinks.
Care Tips: Carnations can last up to three weeks but should be kept away from ripening fruit and vegetables becaise of ethylene gas.
Facts: Carnations are the UK's best-selling cut flower, by miles. They are an excellent cut-flower, great value, very long-lasting, Since the 1950's they have been frowned upon by the style gurus, but are now making a comeback.
Folklore(传说): Used on mothering Sunday. In Canada you wear a red flower if your mother is alive or a white flower if your mother has died.
Language of Flowers(花语): Red carnation for "alas for my poor heart", striped for refusal, yellow for disdain, pink for woman's love.

Herba Dianthi Chinensis
(英)Chinese Pink Herb
植物形态 多年生草本。茎丛生,高30~50cm,直立或基部匍匐,节膨大。叶线状披针形,长3~5cm,宽3~5mm,先端渐尖,基部狭窄成聚伞花序;小苞片4~6,广卵形,先端尾状渐尖,长约为萼筒的1/2;萼圆筒形,先端5裂;花瓣鲜红色、白色、粉红色,边缘有不整齐的浅锯齿,喉部有斑纹或疏生须毛。蒴果包于宿萼内。种子扁卵形,灰黑色,边缘有狭翅。花期5~9月,果期8~10月。
图片简介: 香石竹又名康乃馨、麝香石竹,为石竹科石竹属植物。它具备品位高、色彩丰富、芳香、花期长、装饰效果好等特点,是目前世界上应用最普遍的花卉之一。据考证,公元前300年,希腊诗人狄奥弗拉斯图(ThepHrastus)称石竹类花为Dianthus,意为神圣之花,其中包括香石竹。16世纪波斯(今伊朗)陶器及瓦片上常绘有重瓣石竹类花卉。早期香石竹盛行栽培于露地作花坛。由于香石竹花期长、色彩丰富、水养期长,逐渐应用于室内插花,形成专业切花栽培。1895年美国育成劳森夫人(LadyLauson)香石竹品种,1939年美国又推出西姆(Sime)香石竹系列,奠定了至今标准香石竹的基础。20世纪80年代,市场上又出现了小型多花香石竹。90年代以后,在花卉市场激烈的竞争中,迷你型香石竹和盆栽香石竹先后进入香石竹市场。

原产于南欧、亚洲西部和地中海沿岸。为石竹科宿根性的多年生草本花卉,在市场上一般分为大轮品系(standard type)、中小轮品系(spray type)及迷你小可爱品系(mini type),为花卉市场上极为大宗且受欢迎的切花,西元1907年美国维吉尼亚州的安娜乔薇斯小姐在追悼逝世的母亲时献上了康乃馨,象征母亲之花的康乃馨开始流传于世界各角落,康乃馨也成了子女在母亲节表达对母亲爱意的流行送礼花卉,在平时由于其花型,花色繁多,在各种会场,居家及插花应用极广。