Ford Motor Company entered the business world on June 16, 1903, when Henry Ford and 11 business associates signed the company's articles of incorporation. With $28,000 in cash, the pioneering industrialists gave birth to what was to become one of the world's largest corporations. Few companies are as closely identified with the history and development of industry and society throughout the 20th century as Ford Motor Company.
福特汽车公司在1903年6月16日进入商界。亨利.福特和11家商业团体签署了公司章程. 从当时的2.8万现金诞生了工程行业的先驱并成为世界上最大的集团之一. 福特公司和其他一些公司一样,它的历史与发展密切相关的行业,在20世纪的社会福特汽车公司.
As with most great enterprises, Ford Motor Company's beginnings were modest. The company had anxious moments in its infancy. The earliest record of a shipment is July 20, 1903. With the company's first sale came hope a young Ford Motor Company had taken its first steps.
像大多数的大企业一样福特汽车公司开始的时候也比较谦谨。公司初期都有一中焦虑感. 最早一批出货记录是1903年7月20日。随着公司的第一笔出售,朝气而年轻的福特汽车公司已经迈出了第一步.
Henry Ford insisted that the company's future lay in the production of affordable cars for a mass market. Beginning in 1903, the company began using the first 19 letters of the alphabet to name new cars. In 1908, the Model T was born. 19 years and 15 million Model T's later, Ford Motor Company was a giant industrial complex that spanned the globe. In 1925, Ford Motor Company acquired the Lincoln Motor Company, thus branching out into luxury cars, and in the 1930's, the Mercury division was created to establish a division centered on mid-priced cars. Ford Motor Company was growing.
亨利福特始终坚信公司的未来在于占据廉价车主要市场. 自1903年,公司开始开始使用字母表中的前19个字母作为新的车名. 在1908年,T模式产生. 19年后即1500万辆T模式产生后,福特汽车公司已经发展成一个全球的大型工业企业.1925年,福特汽车公司收购林肯汽车公司,并生产豪华轿车,20世纪30年代,公司分割开来并开创了一个以中价车为中心的. 福特汽车公司继续发展.
In the 50's came the Thunderbird and the chance to own a part of Ford Motor Company. The company went public and, on Feb. 24, 1956, had about 350,000 new stockholders. Henry Ford II's keen perception of political and economic trends in the 50's led to the global expansion of FMC in the 60's, and the establishment of Ford of Europe in 1967, 20 years ahead of the European Economic Community's arrival. The company established its North American Automotive Operations in 1971, consolidating U.S., Canadian, and Mexican operations more than two decades ahead of the North American Free Trade Agreement.
在50年代出现了Thunderbird并偶然的成为福特汽车公司的一部分. 1956年2月24日公司上市,并拥有约35万的新股东.50年代福特第二次的激烈政治观点和经济趋势,领导公司在60年代成为FMC的全球扩张。1967年欧洲福特公司建立,比欧共体早20年. 1971年建立北美汽车业务,在北美自由贸易协定20多年前就巩固了美国、加拿大和墨西哥的业务.
Ford Motor Company started the last century with a single man envisioning products that would meet the needs of people in a world on the verge of high-gear industrialization. Today, Ford Motor Company is a family of automotive brands consisting of: Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Mazda, Jaguar, Land Rover, Aston Martin, and Volvo. The company is beginning its second century of existence with a worldwide organization that retains and expands Henry Ford's heritage by developing products that serve the varying and ever-changing needs of people in the global community.
上个世纪福特汽车公司开始生产个人设想的产品来满足濒临高度工业化人们的需要. 今天福特汽车公司是一家汽车品牌包括:福特、林肯、水星、马自达、美洲虎、路虎,阿斯顿·马丁和沃尔沃. 公司自成立以来的第二世纪就成为了世界组织。不但保持并扩大了福特的传统发展产品,服务的多样化和不断的改变满足了世界的需要.
现代汽车之父享利·福特在生产第一辆汽车时,对汽车标还不够重视,只把它当成小事来处理。直到1903年公司正式开始运营时,他才在设计工程师的劝说下同意在A型车上打一个标志。最初,福特品牌的车标是以亨利·福特先生的签名中字母“F”为基础而设计的,不过没有底色,直接烙印在汽车前端。后来,为了使标志更加显眼,才加上椭圆的蓝色背景。亨利·福特生前十分喜爱动物, 他经常忙里偷闲访问动物专家,读有关动物的书籍和报纸,在这个领域也有较深的造诣。在1911年,为了博得福特的欢心,商标设计者将英文“Ford”设计成“奔跑白兔”的形象。在蓝色背景的衬托下,被艺术化的“Ford”形似活泼可爱、充满活力的小白兔在温馨的大自然中向前飞奔, 它象征令人爱不释手的福特汽车将行驶于世界各地。