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The flame of love



Suppose you have everything; a good job, good health, good reputation, good relationships and lot of money to spend. But still there is something missing from your life. Guess what? The LOVE. It is not something which you should ignore. Life without love is just like body without soul.

Love gives meaning to life as without love life is meaningless. Lucky is the person who gets love and keeps the flames of love burning for ever. It is not a matter of days or months. Love is for life and life is for love.

Short term love encounters are not helpful at all. Be sincere with your body and soul. Indulge in serious life long loving relationship and live a healthy, happy and joyful life.
It is easy to fell in love but difficult to keep the flames of love burning. Before indulging in serious long term love relationships be sure that the person you love is also sincere with you. A selfish person can make your life miserable. If this is the case with you then try to get rid of that person as soon as possible.

Most people do not give importance to their love life as they give importance to their professional life. In most cases, people sacrifice their love life at the cost of their profession. This is a bad choice which ruins the whole life. A sensible balance between the two is necessary in order to enjoy life in its entirety. Do not deprive yourself of the love you need.

People part their ways after living together for years and years. Though this looks strange but is the obvious result of ignoring the genuine complaints and grievances of the other. Sometimes a sincere apology, gentle touch, or a friendly kiss is enough to put your love life on track. However, when deep differences develop between the two then professional consultation is necessary. Do everything to bring back love to your life, if it is lost.

In order to make the journey of life more exciting and enjoyable, you need a loving and caring person with whom you can share your values, dreams, fantasies, joys and jokes. In difficult times of anxiety, sorrow, distress or loss of near and dear ones this person should stand firm besides you and console you in every possible manner.

Love your life and love the person who is in your life. Keep the flames of love burning to live a great, great love life.
Discuss this article with your loved one and carefully listen what he/she says. This can give you a clue of his/her inner sentiments and the depth of love for you. Also avail this opportunity to renew your love life with a new passion and commitment.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
genuine ['dʒenjuin]


adj. 真正的,真实的,真诚的

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

renew [ri'nju:]


v. 更新,重新开始

commitment [kə'mitmənt]


n. 承诺,保证; 确定,实行

anxiety [æŋ'zaiəti]


n. 焦虑,担心,渴望

indulge [in'dʌldʒ]


vt. 纵情于,放任,迁就
vi. 放纵自己于

gentle ['dʒentl]


adj. 温和的,轻柔的,文雅的,温顺的,出身名门的

sensible ['sensəbl]


adj. 可察觉的,意识到的,实用的
n. 可

miserable ['mizərəbl]


adj. 悲惨的,痛苦的,贫乏的

flame [fleim]


n. 火焰,热情
v. 燃烧,面红,爆发


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