无垠深海 Ocean Deep, Ocean Wide
Open ocean, a vast biotope covering two thirds of the planet, some shallow, some as deep as the mountain ranges are high. The ocean has an immense, precariously complex food chain, varying from microscopic animals, like krill, to whales, which ironically feed mainly on the former. Most species swim or float in it, many coming up for air, while other dive in from land or air, often to feed, but also to procreate on the coast, where some species come to lay their eggs. Even the shore is covered with life, largely based on organic matter, such as corpses.
你将看到30吨重的鲸鲨如何吃掉全部的鱼, 将从一个特别的高视角展示海豚是如何提速的。渐渐来到海洋深处, 你会看到长着"翅膀"的章鱼, 还会看到吸血鬼鱿鱼利用体内的发光体变换颜色。还有在2000米深处定时连续拍摄鳗鱼螃蟹类和高脚类动物个小时完全吃掉食物的镜头。