peace saboteur
请看中国日报的相关报道:Beijing slammed Wednesday Taiwan "president" Chen Shui-bian as a "troublemaker" and "peace saboteur" while condemning his plan to scrap the island's guidelines on unification with the mainland. Li Weiyi, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, China's cabinet, said Chen's scheme "fully exposed his obstinate adherence to his pro-independence stance."
peace saboteur
句中的peace saboteur就是我们所言的"和平破坏者"。Saboteur,往往指蓄意破坏者,工业革命时期,由于想怠工而故意捣毁机器的工人就被工厂主称作saboteur.
提到saboteur,当然得谈谈它的动词形式sabotage(蓄意搞破坏), 举个例子:The Nazis had sabotaged the railway line by blowing up a tunnel("法西斯"分子炸掉了隧道,破坏了铁路运输线); 当然,若看到动词词组sabotage peace,就是"破坏和平"了。同时,sabotage也可做名词用,指"蓄意从事的破坏活动"。