Chinese Agriculture VS American Agriculture
Nobody would deny that Chinese agriculture has entered a new era,但是与美国相比,我们仍然有很长一段路要走。 美国农业的生产方式和生产力水平都属世界最发达农业之列。The reason why it is so successful is partly due to its resourceful materials, and certainly part of their desire to create. 作为世界农业的重要组成部分的中国农业该如何吸取经验呢?
l、Learn the advantages of US agricultural policies
美国是一个市场经济发达的国家,伴随着农户根据市场价格信号、按照利润最大化准则自由地配置农业资源以推进不断现代化的过程,US government itself takes a lot of measure to meet the needs of the market,and intervene and control the development of agriculture,促进了农业代化的顺利发展。政府的干预措施起初只限于流通领域,以维持农产品价格为中心。从1933年罗斯福新政起,干预政策从流通领域延伸到生产领域,on one hand, it supports the price; on the other hand, it reduce the agricultural products, that is, to stop planting the over-grown products.
2、The constittute od American agricultural policies
农业保险(Agricultural insurance)是美国实施农业保护的一项非常重要的手段和方式。美国国会于1980年通过了农作物保险修正法案,将联邦农作物保险公司的股金增加两倍多,which covers all kinds of crops. 政府对农户所交保险费的补贴比例在50-80%,农户只需交纳少量保险费就可得到全额保险。为减轻自然灾害给农民可能造成的风险损失,政府对从事农业保险的机构提供大规模的保费补贴,从而使农民能以较低的利率普遍参加农业保险。1990年修订后的农业法规定,凡参加联邦农作物保险的农作物,在遇灾害时可根据农业保险的有关规定获得较高的赔偿,即使没有参加保险的农作物,如遇灾害时,也可获得按常年产量水平的40%给予赔偿。
So, we can introduce the successful ecperiences of US agricultural policies, paying more attention to the construction of the infrastructure, and researching to build a useful system to our country.