Subject 科目:地理 Geography
面试老师Interviewer: Lorraine Wild, St Hilda’s College
问: If I were to visit the area where you live, what would I be interested in? (如果我去你的家乡旅行,我应该看些什么有趣的东西?)
Subject科目:现代语言Modern languages
面试老师:Helen Swift, St Hilda’s学院
问:What is language(什么是语言)?
面试老师: Lucinda Rumsey, Mansfield College
问: Why might it be useful for an English student to read the Twilight series(为什么英文专业的学生有必要阅读Twilight(暮光之城)系列?)?
面试老师:Robert Wilkins, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics (生理学,解剖学和遗传学系)
问:为什么运动时你的心跳会加速(Why does your heart rate increase when you exercise)?
Subject科目:生物科学Biological sciences
面试老师:Martin Speight, Department of Zoology (动物系)
问:If you could save either the rainforests or the coral reefs, which would you choose? (如果你只能拯救热带雨林或珊瑚礁中的一个,你会选择哪个)?
面试老师:Ben McFarlane, Faculty of Law (法学院)
问:What does it mean for someone to ‘take’ another's car(一个人“拿走”别人的车是什么意思)?
面试老师:Byron Byrne, Department of Engineering Science (工程科学系)
问:How would you design a gravity dam for holding back water(你会如何设计一个重力蓄水大坝)?