Allophone: someone whose first language is neither English nor French (母语不是英语,也不是法语的人通称)
Chesterfield: a sofa(沙发)
Eh?: an utterance regularly injected into conversations which has the meaning “don’t you think?” (加拿大人口头禅,意思是“是吧?”)
Elevator: lift (电梯)
Homo milk: full fat (homogenised) milk (全脂奶)
Housecoat: dressing gown (妇女在家穿的宽大便服)
Keener: sycophant, an overly keen person (拍马屁的人)
Lineup: queue (排队)
Loonie: one dollar coin(1加元硬币,图案是一只加拿大特有的鸟Loon)
Pogey: unemployment benefit (失业福利)
Poutine: a dish typical to Quebec consisting of fries, cheese curds and gravy (一种魁北克特色菜)
Runners: trainers (培训师)
Tap: the same as in British English, rather than the US faucet (水龙头,与英国英语相同)
Toonie: two dollar coin (2加元硬币)
Tuque: knitted hat (编织帽)
Washroom: toilet (厕所)
Zed: the final letter of the alphabet(字母表中最后一个字母的发音)