Even the most intrepid World Cup fan will struggle to watch all 48 first-round matches. If you're really pressed, you could trim the list of must-see contests substantially. In fact, we'll help you. Here are 10 in the first round that you absolutely shouldn't miss:
1. South Africa vs. Mexico, June 11, 10 a.m. -- World Cup openers once tended to be rather cautious and stodgy affairs. But Germany immediately lit up the 2006 tournament by pushing four past Costa Rica. Before that, Senegal popped the top on World Cup 2002 with a stunning upset over title-holding France, which nailed the post twice but could never find a way through. Can South Africa draw upon the energy of a frenzied nation to upend Mexico? Brazilian manager Carlos Alberto Parreira has supplied some needed discipline and direction for Bafana Bafana. And given Mexico's constant craving for attack and its wobbly goalkeeping, this year's big opener has potential to be a real cooker.
1. 南非vs. 墨西哥,6月11日上午10时 世界杯的揭幕战向来如此,几乎成了定势。比赛双方缩手缩脚,畏首畏尾,场面压抑,气氛郁闷。然而,2006年的揭幕之战情形则截然不同,战火刚刚燃起,德国便开始了入球大战,4球之下,哥斯达黎加应声落马。而在此之前的2002年世界杯揭幕大战之上,塞内加尔竟在太岁头上动土,硬生生让卫冕冠军法国在自己的膝下称臣。时运不挤的法国队,两球撞柱,难破城门,让塞队出尽风头。本届的南非首战,东道主会不会一发激情澎湃的民族狂野之猛,将墨西哥掀翻在地?他们的巴西主帅卡洛斯·阿尔贝托·佩雷拉早已在为这支被作“小伙子”(Bafana Bafana)的南非队,整肃军纪,号令三军了。只要他们的锋线能在墨西哥的防区内狂轰滥炸,战火不息,对方的门将就会胆颤心惊,忙中出错。说不定今年的揭幕之战,还真是一席饕餮大餐。