Face Powder 散粉
Powders are the Energizer Bunny of makeup. They keep going...and going—at least, for up to two years. Still, as Wilson points out, "some powders contain small amounts of water from botanical extracts, so there's the risk of it growing bacteria if you leave it lying around your bathroom." Look on the ingredients panel for long Latin names—these are often botanicals, and their common names (such as oat extract, chamomile, aloe, bamboo, and green-tea extracts) are typically listed in parentheses。
Eye Shadow 眼影
Eye-enhancing shadows? Yes, please. Eye-irritating ones? No, thanks. To keep your eyes from getting red or itchy, replace powder eye shadows after about three months, according to Hammer. Even though they are similar in formulation to other powders, because they're constantly in contact with a mucous membrane, there's a higher risk of transferring bacteria to the product and then back to the eyes. Pay extra attention to cream-based shadows, which tend to grow bacteria more quickly than powders. If you use your fingers to apply, wash your hands before doing so, and be aware of any color switches or off-putting smells。
Eyeliner 眼线
Liquid or pencil, these eye definers should be replaced about every three months. Like eye shadows, they are applied near a sensitive area and can pick up bacteria and bring it back to the eye very easily "without any visible signs of contamination," Hammer warns. If you've used a dingy liner, you could experience redness, itchiness, or, in extreme cases, conjunctivitis. Pencils will last a bit longer than liquid if you're steadfast about regular sharpening, but you'll know they're dead once a white film starts to develop on the tip that can't be sharpened off, says Dubroff。