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来源:网络 编辑:beck   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Sagittarius Woman Traits

Independent and Adventurous
One of the most prominent characteristics of a Sagittarius woman is her need for independence. She likes to make her own choices which are usually right and honest. This love for freedom also adds a zest of adventure in her. She loves to travel, craves for new tasks and does not mind taking risks to reach her goals. Due to her independent nature, it will be difficult to bind her into a relationship as she may not like to sacrifice her freedom for matrimony. However, a partner who understands her free spirit and independent nature, will surely be able to win her heart. Though her love for freedom remains forever with her, once in a committed relationship, she will never compromise on her partner and children.

Rude, but Charming
One of the main characteristics of a Sagittarius woman is her charming nature. This nature of her is what attracts people towards her. However, the Sagittarius woman is not the one who believes in flattery. She is very honest and does not mind to tell the truth, even if it hurts the feelings of others. Also, she can be very rude when she is angry or offended. Though in this state of mind, she may utter some embarrassing or shocking things, many times she does not mean what she says. On the other hand, though you would be angry at her for being rude, her charming nature will attract you towards her again. Read more on Greek myths of Sagittarius.

Happy and Enthusiastic
The Sagittarius woman is a happy person and also has the ability of viewing the outside world in a positive light. She has a fun loving and joyful attitude which sees good in everyone. It has been observed that the Sagittarius woman has a good social life as she loves to meet and interact with new people. Due to this happy go lucky attitude of this woman, who is born under the Sagittarius zodiac sign, she rarely gets upset when things go wrong. She has the courage to face the world boldly, even during dire circumstances.

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intriguing [in'tri:giŋ]


adj. 吸引人的,有趣的 vbl. 密谋,私通

emotional [i'məuʃənl]


adj. 感情的,情绪的

upset [ʌp'set]


adj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的
v. 推翻,

zest [zest]


n. 热情 n. 风味 n. 橘皮

possess [pə'zes]


vt. 持有,支配

humorous ['hju:mərəs]


adj. 幽默的,诙谐的

characteristic [.kæriktə'ristik]


adj. 特有的,典型的
n. 特性,特征,特

eternal [i'tə:nəl]


adj. 永久的,永恒的
n. 永恒的事

adventure [əd'ventʃə]


n. 冒险,奇遇
vt. 冒险,尝试

quest [kwest]


n. 探索,寻求
v. 寻找,搜索




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