Nowadays, fewer Americans think the American Dream is still achievable, but many have redefined what that dream means.
In the late 1990s about one-third believed the American Dream meant some form of financial success, like the acquisition of goods, a bigger house, a home with a piece of land around it and so on. This group is called Traditional Materialists.
Another one-third eschewed both that label and that aspiration. They had decided to reorder their priorities away from things and rejected the notion that he who dies with the most toys wins. The group is called Secular Spiritualists. They thought life was about being genuine, about achieving a legacy larger than one's self, about leaving this earth a better place for family, community, and planet.
Over the past decade, there is a steady growth of the Secular Spiritualists to around 42%, while the Traditional Materialists now number about 31%.
在过去的一个世纪里,世俗唯灵论者人数已上升到了42%, 而传统物质主义者则只有31%。