Managing talent that goes off the rails like Sheen is a challenge – I have had some experience. Not just performers go crazy with success. A few years ago, IT entrepreneur Christopher Dawes crashed his £640,000 car and died, just after he had been arrested during a crack cocaine bust. And Chris Albrecht, then chief executive of HBO, was fired after being arrested for assaulting his girlfriend at 3am in a Las Vegas car park. He later went for treatment for his alcoholism.
管理像辛一样偏离正轨的人才是一个挑战, 这我深有体会. 随着成功而变得疯狂的远不止是演员. 几年前, IT企业家克里斯多佛•道斯开着其价值64万英镑的汽车出车祸身亡. 这正是发生在他在一次打击可卡因的行动中被警察逮捕后不久. HBO的首席执行官克里斯•阿尔布莱切特, 因在凌晨三点于拉斯维加斯的停车场猥亵女友而被捕, 最后被公司辞退. 后来他接受了酒精上瘾治疗.
The two most important characteristics essential for success are self-confidence and self-discipline. Interestingly, many say they imbibe to gain the first trait – but by so doing, you lose the second.
成功的两个最重要的性格特征是自信与自律. 有趣的是, 很多人称他们会努力获得第一个性格特征, 可是在这个过程中, 他们会失去第二个.
Perhaps many of the fans of this sort of behaviour long for the release from civility and responsibility that intoxication brings. As Samuel Johnson said: “He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.”
或许很多追捧这种行为的粉丝都渴望从迷醉所带来的礼仪和责任中解脱出来. 正如塞缪尔•约翰森曾经说过: “如野兽般狂野的人可以从做人的痛苦中解脱出来.”
Fittingly Hunter S Thompson uses this quotation at the beginning of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, his book about a huge bender in the casino capital of the world. Of course, the House benefits from such impressions, for the managers dole out free cocktails to those who gamble – exploiting the punters’ lack of willpower while under the influence.
亨特•汤普森曾恰如其分地引用了这句话作为他的书<<拉斯维加斯恩仇录>>的卷首语. 这本书是描述世界赌场之都的一场盛大狂欢. 当然, 这种印象对赌场有利, 因为赌场的经理们可以趁机向赌徒提供免费的鸡尾酒, 希望通过酒精的力量来让他们失去意志力.