adj. 臭的:smelly/stinking(强调“发出恶臭的”); 无臭的 odourless、scentless、smellless
stinking meat 臭肉 smelly foot 臭脚丫
n. 臭味 stink/smell/bad smell 口臭 halitosis
The smell from the garbage dulled her appetite.闻到来自垃圾的臭味使她食欲大减。
Garlic gives people bad breath but a good mood.吃大蒜虽然会口臭却能带给人们好心情。
The smell from the garbage dulled her appetite.闻到来自垃圾的臭味使她食欲大减。
Garlic gives people bad breath but a good mood.吃大蒜虽然会口臭却能带给人们好心情。