In 1829 the then current owner of the castle, Sir John Hay Williams, discovered human bones near one of the chimneys. He ordered the restoration to carry on and so it was rebuilt around the bones. Since then whispering ghosts have been heard, shadowy figures have been spotted and phantom soldiers have also been seen, all of which contributed to pushing Bodelwyddan Castle to the top of the most haunted castles in the world at one stage.
在1829年这个城堡的主人John Hay Williams在城堡的烟囱部位发现了人骨头。但即使如此,他还是命令恢复古堡的工作不能停止,随后就围绕人骨建造了城堡。自从那时候开始,总会有低声细语,人影和幽灵出现在城堡内,这一切都成为了使城堡成为全球最诡异城堡的推力。