Hawaii—welcomes and seduces visitors with its frangipani-scented sea breezes and tropical warmth. This is where East merges with West in a blur of hula and disco, soap operas and creation myths, junk food and Japanese tea ceremonies, and Shinto shrines and surf clubs. Mark Twain declared Hawaii to be the loveliest fleet of islands that lies anchored in any ocean , and not even thirty years of mass tourism have managed to prove him wrong.
History The following years saw the development of Hawaii as a major tourist destination with numerous resorts, golf courses and shopping centers being built. To combat the increasing development, a number of state parks, wilderness sanctuaries and marine reserves have been established. In the 1970s, a Hawaiian cultural renaissance reasserted local cultural values in the face of tourist-brochure parodies. In the past few years, sovereignty has become a key political issue. While some Hawaiian groups favor the restoration of the monarchy, other native groups are calling for a Hawaiian nation within the USA and the return of crown lands taken during annexation. In November 1993, US President Bill Clinton signed a resolution apologizing for the overthrow of the Hawaiian kingdom 100 years earlier.
历史:“夏威夷”一词源于波利尼西亚语。公元4世纪左右,一批波利尼西亚人乘独木舟破浪而至,在此定居,为这片岛屿起名“夏威夷”,意为“原始之家”。最早发现该群岛的欧洲人是英国航海家詹姆斯?库克船长,他于1778年登上夏威夷群岛,次年被岛上居民杀害。1795年,卡米哈米哈酋长征服了其他部落,建立夏威夷王国。1898年,夏威夷被美国吞并,1959年成为美国第50个州。旅游业成为夏威夷最年来最主要的经济发展,许多旅游景点,高尔夫球场以及购物中心不断兴起。随着旅游的不断发展,夏威夷建立了许多的国家公园,大量的避难所,海产储存. 海上冲浪。
Culture Traditional Hawaiian culture and the customs of Hawaii s ethnically diverse immigrants are an integral part of the social fabric. This is not simply a place where East meets West, but a place where the cultures merge in a manner which seems to bring out the best in all of them. The revival of traditional Hawaiian culture has seen an explosion of Hula halaus (schools) and many Hawaiian artists and craftspeople are returning to traditional mediums and themes such a tapa weaving, quilt making and the creation of colorful leis.
English is the dominant language in Hawaii, but it is infused with Hawaiian words, phrases and pidgin slang.
The islands ethnic diversity makes eating out a real treat. You can find every kind of Japanese food, an array of regional Chinese cuisine, spicy Korean specialties, native Hawaiian dishes and excellent Thai and Vietnamese food. Fresh fish is readily available throughout the islands as well as an abundance of fruit including avocado, coconut, guava, mango and papaya.
不同民族的差异性使得岛上的食物多样化,你可以找到各式各样的日本菜,中国各地方的传统厨艺,特色的韩国风味,本土的夏威夷用具以及美味的泰国,越南事物。在这里你可以在岛上任何地方找到新鲜的鱼以及丰富的水果,像鳄梨、椰子、番石榴,芒果和木瓜。 地理位置:夏威夷地处中太平洋北部,由130多个岛屿组成,呈弧状横贯太平洋,长度达到1500英里。它紧靠北回归线,构成了波利尼西亚群岛的北方前锋。同时,它又处于美国的最南部,与墨西哥城、海南、加尔各答在同一纬度。