如果美国时尚杂志办公室Conde 的墙也能说话的话,那他一定说的也是@CondeElevator的话语。虽然这个匿名的微博已经关闭了,但是它留给我们的那些经典段子,却依旧闪闪发光……
"Woman #1 to Woman #2, holding an omelet: What's the occasion?' Woman #2: ...huh? Woman #1: I would need an occasion to eat that."
"[Girl holding brownie abashedly in elevator] Male coworker: I'm not judging you."
"Girl #1: I love that necklace, I saw it at Banana last week and almost bought it too. Girl #2: [flips hair] This is Gucci."
"Girl: Omigod what happened to your knee?! Fashion boy: Oh god, I fell dancing! Girl: Omigod it's like you came back from the war."
"OK!' is the most unnecessary email"
"I don't speak Starbucks"
"Ladies, we need to find some big mouth guy to spread a rumor that sleeping all day is really sexy"
老佛爷Karl Lagerfeld有微博,这并不是一件让人惊讶的事儿。不过,这个tweeter的账号,却并非是老佛爷本人,而是一个粉丝写的。虽然这里面所有的话,都是从老佛爷旧日的采访中原话摘抄出来的。
"Luxury is the ease of a t-shirt in a very expensive dress."
"I only go to places if I have a professional reason. I'm not a tourist."
"I am a fashion person, and fashion is not only about clothes -- it's about all kinds of change."
"Florals are for middle-aged women with weight problems."
"Nonchalance in couture is very important, because couture without nonchalance is just the drag queen attitude of women of an era past."
对于时尚从业者来说,超模兼时尚产业的大密探Coco Rocha的twitter,是你每日必读的内容之一:
"And can we talk about the over-use of "supermodel"!? 1) If you didnt work in the 90's, no way - 2) The title is to be given, not claimed."
"After 10 minutes of trying to hail a NYC cab in the rain I get one and "Who's Going To Drive You Home" by The Cars is playing."
"Apparently @perezhilton wants @starbucks to name a drink after me. 'The Rocha Mocha Frappuccino' haha"
“很明显@perezhilton(帕里斯希尔顿)想要@starbucks(星巴克)以她的名字命名一款饮品。'The Rocha Mocha Frappuccino' 哈哈 ”
超犀利的Joan Rivers找到一个方法来发泄自己的情绪,那就是发微博。在她的推特上,从时尚到经典的Joan Rivers式的废话,应有尽有:
"There is NO WAY that Bert and Ernie are gay. They haven't changed their outfits in 25 years."
“Bert 和 Ernie 不可能是gay,他们已经25年没换过衣服了!”
"French Vogue has published racy photos of a 10 year-old model, which is outrageous! Everyone knows that models are over the hill by age 9."
“法国版的vouge 上的那个浓妆艳抹的号称10岁小女孩的照片太让人气愤了!!!大家都知道她才刚刚9岁!”
"Just read that a Connecticut granny spent her 82nd birthday skydiving! She landed safely where her breasts were already waiting for her."
"I might have turned 78 yesterday. For so long I have lied about how old I am, but at this age I can no longer remember the real number."