This tent looks as though it has been pitched in the sky in a photograph that plays tricks on the eyes. Student Bjarke Bitsch pitched his tent so high up Mont Blanc — the highest mountain in the French Alps — that snow and clouds blended together in this shot. The 24-year-old from Aarhus in Denmark took the stunning photo during a three day— expedition to climb the peak in Chamonix, France. The image was captured near the summit, at a spot called Aiguille du Gouter, which has an altitude of 12,800 feet.
这座帐篷看上去就像架在云端,其实,这是一名名叫Bjarke Bitsch的学生将帐篷支在了法国的朗峰(阿尔卑斯山脉的最高峰)
。镜头中的雪地和天空中的白云混合形成了这一幕 。这位24岁的小伙子来自 丹麦港口城市奥尔胡斯,这张图片是他在一次为期三天以夏蒙尼为目的地的登山旅行中拍摄的,拍摄地点靠近山峰的Aiguille du Gouter,海拔12,8000英尺 。