A pair of R-rated new releases ruled the North American box office, demonstrating that adults are still eager to head to the movies when presented with attractive options.
"Ted," from Comcast Corp.'s Universal Pictures, and "Magic Mike," from Time Warner Inc.'s Warner Bros. Pictures, respectively earned $54.1 million and $39.2 million, according to early studio estimates. It's the first time two R-rated movies have both opened over $21 million in the same weekend, according to Dan Fellman, Warner Bros.' president of domestic distribution.
根据早期票房估计,康卡斯特公司(Comcast Corp.)旗下环球影业(Universal Pictures)出品的《泰迪熊》(Ted)和华纳公司(Time Warner Inc.)旗下华纳兄弟影业(Warner Bros. Pictures)出品的《魔力麦克》(Magic Mike)分别获得了5,410万美元和3,920万美元的票房收入。华纳兄弟负责影片国内发行的总裁费尔曼(Dan Fellman)说,同一个周末上映的两部R级电影票房均超过2,100万美元的情况尚属首次出现。
"It's one for the books," said Mr. Fellman.
R-rated films tend not to perform as well as films that are open to a wider number of patrons. For instance, this year's top-grossing film, Walt Disney Co. and Marvel Studios' "The Avengers," is rated PG-13, as are the coming superhero films "The Amazing Spider-Man" and "The Dark Knight Rises."
R级电影的票房表现往往不如受众面更广的电影。例如,今年票房收入最高的电影──由Marvel Studios和华特-迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)制作和发行的影片《复仇者联盟》(The Avengers)的分级是PG-13,与即将上映的两部超级英雄电影《超凡蜘蛛侠》(The Amazing Spider-Man)和《蝙蝠侠前传3:黑暗骑士崛起》(The Dark Knight Rises)分级相同。
"Ted," about a man and his foul-mouthed talking teddy bear, is the first live-action feature from writer-director Seth MacFarlane, best known for creating the animated television show "Family Guy."
《泰迪熊》讲的是一个男人和他会说话但脏话连篇的泰迪熊的故事,也是该片导演作家麦克法兰(Seth MacFarlane)第一部自编自导的非动画电影。麦克法兰最知名的作品是动画剧集《居家男人》(Family Guy)。
The opening of the roughly $50 million film, which was financed by Media Rights Capital and sold to Universal, is the biggest debut for an original R-rated, non-sequel since "The Hangover," which opened at $45 million. Overall, it is the eighth-highest opening for an R-rated film and third-highest opening for an R-rated comedy, according to the box office division of Hollywood.com.
《泰迪熊》的制作成本大约为5,000万美元,由Media Rights Capital出资拍摄并出售给了环球影业。该片是《宿醉》(The Hangover)之后上映周末票房最高的R级原创非系列电影。《宿醉》上映周末的票房为4,500万美元。根据Hollywood.com票房部门的数据,从整体上看,《泰迪熊》的上映后票房收入在R级电影中排名第八,在R级喜剧电影中排名第三。
Relativity Media LLC is also a partner in the film.
Relativity Media LLC也是该片的合作方之一。
Nikki Rocco, Universal's president of distribution, credits much of the success of "Ted" to the film's clever marketing campaign and the film itself, as indicated by the broad audience demographic that bought tickets. According to exit poll data provided by the studio, "Ted" appealed primarily to males, who made up 56% of the audience, and ticket-buyers over the age of 30, who made up 52% of the audience.
环球影业负责影片发行的总裁罗科 (Nikki Rocco)认为,该片观影人群范围很广,从中可以看出,《泰迪熊》的成功应主要归功于巧妙的营销策略和影片本身。环球影业提供的观影后的调查数据显示,《泰迪熊》吸引的主要是男性观众,男性观众的比例为56%,年龄超过30岁的观众的比例为52%。
In second place, the male stripping drama "Magic Mike" grossed $39.2 million from 2,930 locations. The film was directed by Steven Soderbergh and stars Channing Tatum as a male exotic dancer living in Tampa, Fla.
上周末北美票房榜上排名第二的是讲述脱衣舞男经历的《魔力麦克》,该片在2,930家院线共获得了3,920万美元的票房收入。该片由索德伯格(Steven Soderbergh)执导,钱宁•塔特姆(Channing Tatum)在片中扮演一名居住在佛罗里达州坦帕市(Tampa)的脱衣舞演员。