公司的各种CxO我们已经听过不少,而且听了名称也大概能猜出具体是做什么的。不过,你听说过“首席拍桌官(chief table pounder)”吗?据说这些人都很强势,开会或者谈判时手掌轻拍桌面几下就能让别人接受他们的观点。这也太酷了吧!
Chief table pounder is the person who is the most ardent champion of a new or different way of doing things by slapping office furniture (usually a board table) with the flat of an open palm for emphasis. It's rather like using a judge's gavel to impose order in court.
Chief table pounder(首席拍桌官)指大力拥护新鲜的或者与众不同做事方法、且表现强势的人物。之所以叫“拍桌官”,是因为他们会通过用手掌击打办公家具(多为会议桌)表面的方式来强调自己的观点。这种行为很像是法官在法庭上敲击法槌来施行法令。
To show conviction to colleagues across a board table, they use palm-down gestures to emphasize their key speaking points. Without actually striking the tabletop, they just pronate their open palm-flip it down, parallel to the table's surface-and proffer it as a sign. Reach the gesture forward, while moving it up and down like a baton, to drive home their most important ideas. Without realizing why, listeners will sense they have greater confidence in their words.
来源:可可英语 //